Hey, I don’t know if you noticed but it’s Christmas! If there is something toy collectors know and like, it’s nostalgia. So let’s time travel back to the time when photography was not super great and photo mats were a thing. Several members of our community have shared that absolutely brilliant shots of Christmas past AKA the reasons many of us are collecting in the first place. ON BLITZEN!

Here’s Mego Meet Poobah and Museum Editor Steve Moore showing off his awesome Mego 12″ Hulk, what an awesome get in ’78. I’m told that rug was the site of many Mego Superhero battles.

Steve also shared this amazing shot of him in full “Burt Ward” mode which will now be his avatar when he phones me.

Tom Beiter doesn’t have any vintage Mego memories captured but how wonderful is this shot of his (I’m assuming cool) Uncle playing with Stretch Armstrong?

A young Frank Wojo from Absolutely Retro tears into a Boxed Mego Batman, Christmas Morning 1976. Now people will be doing the same with his parcels, total circle of life stuff!

Tom also shared this awesome Christmas shot of him playing the Scooby Doo board game, I don’t even remember this one!

Basement of Horror Host Ray Castile sent in a raft of cool vintage shots. Here Ray and his brother Gamal are playing with Ideal’s Electroman and Zogg.

Here’s Ray and his grandmother alongside a GI Joe Adventurer and an AHI Creature from the Black Lagoon.

1:19 PM (7 hours ago) | ||
John Piasecki sent in a couple of awesome shots from the mid 1970s, I love that boxed Big Jim and Ben Cooper Batman play suit.

Oh wow, look at that minty boxed Mego Spider-Man, oh and the Barbie set is also very nice John’s older sister…

Here’s Edgar Aldrett and his brother and their friend Mego Comic Action Spider-Man!

This photo from Edgar is even better, the Mego Lizard and Thor, the orange shag, are priceless and wonderful.
Keviemas 365: Here is Mego Museum regular Kevin Fiore and his brother Scott, who both collect now unboxing some really cool stuff. That’s the GI Joe secret of the mummy’s tomb there, so iconic!

Yarrrrr! This picture of Bill Alar really is amazing, just look at those Mego Kresge Cards, not to mention boxed Spider-Man.

You can’t fake the happiness that Bill is feeling in this photo, it’s infectious.

Here’s the always awesome John Davis with a Kenner Alien and a Mego King Kong, well else do you need?

Hey it’s Chris Franklin from the Fire and Water PodCast team with his epic mingling of Mego 12″ Spider-Man and the Remco Energized Heroes, that’s a cool team up!

Chris also shared this wonderful family photo where he’s decked out in Spider-Man underoos.

Here’s Brian Greene with carded Mego Penguin, Joker and a boxed Raideen (Hey, that rhymes)

Here’s Robert Van Pelt and his brother, note the Mego Flash Gordon playset behind them!

And finally, here’s yours truly. I don’t have any shots of me with Mego on Christmas morning but I do have one where I’ve just eaten all my sister’s Play-Doh. It was delicious and I’d do it again.
PS I still totally fit into that shirt!
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