Thursday, May 11, 2006

The Mego Burton Batman Bendy!

Not that it's easy to follow from the earth shaking announcement of yesterday but today's entry into the Mego Museum is a little more shall we say humble.
That's not to say it isn't interesting, today we have yet another example of a Mego mold being reused almost 10 years after the company has gone under.
A lot of stuff going on at the Mego Forum

World's Greatest Toys- In case you haven't noticed, a new Mego Book is looming on the horizon
and the Megomuseum has a forum where you can ask the author (our own Imp- Banjamin Holcombe) questions. Ben will be at this years Mego Meet to give a lecture on Mego Packaging as well as show samples of the new book. Ben needs your help, if you have things on his wantlist please drop him a line so he can arrange to include it in the book.

The Big Mego Convention- Megomeet 2006 is 3 weeks away, if you're sitting on the fence about this event this is the time to decide. Megomeet this year will have the above mentioned peaks at the new Mego Book, an exclusive Jet Jungle Figure and Megomuseum trading card. plus a great deal more surprises are looming, if you're local to the event we hope to see you there. Attendance looks to be DOUBLE that of last years so this is likely to be the biggest Mego Convention in history!
Another Mego Meet Announcement- Due to technical problems, the Mailbox on the Megomeet website is not working, if you have an unanswered question about the convention itself, please email it's co-poobah David McCormick at [email protected]
Stay Tuned for More Pop Culture Nonsense tomorrow.


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