Mego Meet ReCap - Adios Amego's
The day was far from winding down, after Ray's well done Micronauts seminar, people got a sort of sloppy presentation about Foreign Mego by yours truly. The day was starting to wear on me as can be evidenced by this slouchy picture here.
After that, it was time to do the raffle drawing, Cathy McElveen (Mrs ABMAC) really outdid herself surpassing my expectations for ticket sales.
The raffle had some amazing prizes so it was great that so many attendees and non attendees won. The winners in order were;
9) World's Greatest Toys prints -Meule8) Paco Pirates and Clamshells- Kolin Erb
7) Tex Willer CTVT set plus parts bag- Hector
6) Boxed AJ, Heroes of the Revolution MOC, Invisible Man, repro boxes- Kevin Dillon
5) CTVT Pirates, Marvel Legends Monster set- Ron Peritore (how funny is that?)
4) Carded Pocket Heroes Spiderman-Jason Dewitt
3) $25 Gift Cert- Abmac
2) Carded Human Torch- MegoMike
1) Carded Andorian- Wee67
After the raffle (or was it before?) the winners of the Customs contest were announced, the winners were:
Sleepwalker- Paul Riggs
Hellboy- ABMAC
The Next Seminar was the Custom Mego Forum attended by Doctor Mego, Austin Hough from Reproheads and Derek. I was unable to attend this seminar as I was trying to figure out how to make a custom of my own, for my son. I was unable to make him his first choice (Samurai from Superfriends) although I did concrete plans to make one in the near future.
So what character did i choose for my son? My choices were limited based on the time and my lack of imagination. I scowered the parts boxes and Ta-Da!
None other than Marvin from the Superfriends. A character my son likes well enough but let's just say even a three year old can recognize a phoned in custom when he sees it.
I managed to make myself a good Dad with some of the DVD's Joe provided me with so all is well.
The final panel of the day was General Mego and it was manned by what I think are the most knowledgable Mego collectors around, Anthony MacElveen, Dan Crandall, Scott C Adams (Creator of the Megomuseum) and World's Greatest Toys author Ben Holcombe.
The whole time this was going on I was wrestling with whether or not to make a big purchase, this wasn't helped by Ben playing the devil on my shoulder. As mentioned previously, I was Broke-Ass broke on the way home, so I guess you know what path i chose.
Adios Amego's
Well, it seemed fitting to use this point to show off Ron's incredible Gray Morrow original artwork for the Mego Western Heroes.
The show was over and the break down had begun, we headed back to our respective hotels and prepared for the final dinner.
The Mego Meet supper was held at a place called Undo's, I can't speak for others but I seriously enjoyed my meal and the price was fair. Many of us said our goodbyes and finished up deals in the parking lot of Undo's.
For the small group who weren't completely thrashed, we headed over to the "Mego Suite" at the Super 8, drank conservatively, laughed at a poor judgement moment of mine, played on the internet (which I found weird) and said our farewells.
And that was it, as quick it came, it was gone. I've been to every Mego related event in the last few years and I honestly have to say that Mego Meet 2006 was my favourite. While still being a top quality event, it had a wonderful relaxed energy running through it that I've never experienced before.
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