Long Lost Mego Prototype Discovered!

An unproduced vintage Mego Figure has surfaced after nearly 50 years!

Following the story we posted earlier in the week about the Star Trek Aliens prototypes being found, there was another surprise in the mix. A figure none of us saw coming.

In the original shots the Museum was sent of this lot of toys that came from a former Mego designer, there was a curious character mixed amongst the Alien Prototypes and the factory sample Teen Titans, a mystery woman of sorts.

Mego Happy Days Joanie Cuningham prototype

Fortunately Tom, the gentleman who made this discovery was happy to oblige in better photographs and when handling the figure, he noticed a tag.

Mego Happy Days Joanie tag

The tag was in English and Chinese, which means this came from Mego’s Hong Kong factory.

Toy-Ventures Magazine Issue 9 is the complete guide to Mego Comic Action Heroes.
Toy-Ventures Magazine Issue 9 is the complete guide to Mego Comic Action Heroes.

It didn’t take much detective work to realize this was a never produced Joanie Cunningham action figure from the Mego Happy Days line.

The Mego Happy Days line began with a single character, the Fonz who sold very well. The follow up figure line of additional characters such as Richie, Ralph and Potsie were not as well recieved. It seems that Mego had gotten pretty far with the Joanie figure before deciding to scrap it and the Happy Days line.

Mego Joanie from Happy Days prototype

Joanie was confirmed by Mego Sculpter Ken Sheller, who did the work on this and apparently, a Pinkie Tuscadaro for the line. Fingers crossed a Mego Pinkie surfaces some day!

Special thanks to Tom for sharing and to Chris King for alerting us to this.

The Lincoln Monsters are here!

The Blood-A-Rama Shock Festival Pack
The Blood-A-Rama Shock Festival Pack

Toy-Ventures is our magazine; we’re an independent publisher trying to bring back print toy magazines; if you would like to support us, please check out the latest issue: https://plaidstallions.com/reboot/shop

Toy-Ventures Issue 12- Stretch Monster
Toy-Ventures Issue 12- Stretch Monster

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We co-produced this amazing action figure with White Elephant Toyz; it’s an 8″ Mego Style Officially Licensed Tura Satana figure with a beautiful box by Joeseph Linsner! Get yours while supplies last.

Knock Offs; Totally Unauthorized Action Figures the book

Knock Offs; Totally Unauthorized Action Figures the book Megolike

Knock-Offs Totally Unauthorized Action figures is from the demented mind that brought you “Rack Toys: Cheap, Crazed Playthings” and features hundreds of hilarious, charming, copyright infringing toys. Get a signed copy in our shop! 5 Awesome

Mego, Prototypes, Mego Happy Days, Joanie, Richie, Ralph, PlaidStallions, Mego Museum, Mego Corp, the Fonz, Joanie Loves Chachi, Mego dolls, Mego Action figures, Mego Fonzie, Garry Marshal, Erin Moran,