A rare glimpse into a Mego In Store Promotion.
We've all heard of Mego Store appearances to promote toy lines, many of us even have fond fond memories but few photographs remain. Enter Megomuseum member Doug Knoth with his amazing recently unearthed photos from a store appearance at a Korvette's" In the Sunrise Mall, Masapequa NY around 1977 to promote the World's Greatest Superheroes as well as the Micronauts
The Acroyear in question here is a Giant Acroyear in what looks like an eloborate and warm costume. Note the boxed Biotrons in the background.
Spider-Man and Acroyear pose in the mall for children next to my parents patio furniture. Note in the left corner is an entire display of MOC Spider-Man figures Drool.
Do you have a vintage store appearance photo you'd like to share? Drop us a line at our mailbox .