Tag: mego prototypes

Mego Star Trek Aliens Prototypes Discovery!

Mego Star Trek Aliens Prototypes

Thanks to a Facebook marketplace ad, a toy collector has now discovered the hand made original Mego Star Trek Aliens prototypes. Tom reached out to the Mego Museum after purchasing a large number of toys from an elderly man who was good friends with a Mego designer.The majority of the lot being mint, uncirculated carded…

For Sale: An original Mego Head Sculpt

Very rare original mego head sculpt from the 1970s for sale!A piece of Mego history can now be yours. This original clay sculpture of Hutch from the Mego Starsky and Hutch toy line, which we reported about in 2019 is now available for sale.

Vintage Mego 12″ Incredible Hulk

This week we talk about the Emerald Avenger and his hugely popular 12″ figure, featuring rare shots of the original “Lou Ferrigno” version and of course, what we ended up with. Please enjoy. Lou Ferrigno Hulk head sculpt courtesy of Heroes West Coast. https://tinyurl.com/y8cgwvrz Join us at the MegoMuseum Forums! https://megomuseum.com/community/activity.php Facebook Group: Mego Mania:…

Vintage Mego: Origins of Mego Apes

  Vintage Mego this week is all about the insider scoop on how Mego secured the Planet of the Apes licensed, the hottest selling toys for Christmas 1974. Including a glimpse at the original hand made prototypes that still exist in a private collection.

Vintage Mego : Greatest American Hero

This week’s episode delves into one of Mego’s most lamented licenses, the popular television series “The Greatest American Hero” we explore what did get released and what didn’t and how the heck did those prototypes get out there?   Subscribe to our YouTube channel www.megomuseum.com Written and hosted by Brian Heiler (@plaidstallions)

Cancelled Mego Star Trek: Vintage Mego

mego star trek

We all know that Mego’s Star Trek line may contain the best-loved and iconic Toys produced for the brand but this installment of vintage Mego looks at the items that didn’t make it to the marketplace such Vulcan Explorers, additional aliens and playsets will just haunt you. Special thanks to Vinnie Baiera, Robyn Adams and…

Cancelled MEGO Superheroes: Vintage Mego

  While the Mego World’s Greatest Superheroes is one of the successful toylines of all time, it like any other toyline, did have a fair share of items that didn’t make it into production. Vintage Mego takes a look at a few Superhero items that just didn’t make the cut. Which one of these do…