Aquaman Vs the Great White Shark is one of the most elusive sets in the Mego Superhero patheon. Figures Toy Company took on the heroic task of toolinga recreation of the original shark so many collectors wouldn’t have to shell out for an original (which aren’t in heavy circulation.)
We decided to check it out and to compare it to an original Mego Great White Shark, just to show how they did:
Before we roll out the photo review, two things we want to mention in an effort to be objective:
1)The Aquaman figure comes with webbed hands. This is because the prototype figure was shown in the 1978 Megocatalog as having them. However, Mego did not actually release an Aquaman figure with webbed hands, so this is an incredibly niche insider “tip of the hat” to Mego Heads from FTC.
2) The gloves included in the set appear to be green versions of the Catwoman gloves, they seem to be there merely for effect as they likely not fit these new hands. We didn’t try putting them on as it seems to defeat the purpose of having those hands.
Like It? Get the Aquaman Vs the Great White Shark set at Entertainment Earth for $79.95 with Free Shipping!