Check out Spider-man's Wheels!
Got a really cool one today, George was kind enough to send in pics of his Boxed Pocket Heroes Spider-Car, what's cool about it is, there are Comic Action Heroes figures in the box! Very Neat transitional piece.
Cool Stuff on the Mego Forum
Pundman! Mego Museum Member Boss was kind enough to share a video of this Ford Dealership commercial he worked on, the spokesperson is none other than an eight inch mego.
Need it, Got it: Scott caves into peer pressure and creates a Mego Checklist for our very popular Mego Trading Cards.
Worlds Greatest Toys Update: Ben has updated his blog to give a behind the scenes look at the photography needed to complete this wonderful new Mego book.
Great Eye Chris! Our own Earth2Chris spotted something very familiar in the 1976 DC Comics Calendar, the origin art for Mego Supergirl.
IMPORTANT MEGO MEET ANNOUNCEMENT- Planning on attending the 2nd annual Mego Collectors convention? Please see this announcement and register if you'd like to join us for the Mego dinner.
Thats all for now, have a safe and pleasant weekend, may you find a sealed case of Kresge cards at your local flea market.
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