Category: prototypes

Mego Star Trek Aliens Prototypes Discovery!

Mego Star Trek Aliens Prototypes

Thanks to a Facebook marketplace ad, a toy collector has now discovered the hand made original Mego Star Trek Aliens prototypes. Tom reached out to the Mego Museum after purchasing a large number of toys from an elderly man who was good friends with a Mego designer.The majority of the lot being mint, uncirculated carded…

Vintage Mego: Buck Rogers Star Searcher

  This week we look at the total oddity that is the “Buck Rogers Star Searcher” a repackaged Micronauts vehicle, we also look at some of the other proposed (but not produced) vehicles and playsets for this line. They may look familiar. Visit us online at : Twitter: @megomuseum Facebook Group: Mego Mania

Cancelled Mego Star Trek: Vintage Mego

mego star trek

We all know that Mego’s Star Trek line may contain the best-loved and iconic Toys produced for the brand but this installment of vintage Mego looks at the items that didn’t make it to the marketplace such Vulcan Explorers, additional aliens and playsets will just haunt you. Special thanks to Vinnie Baiera, Robyn Adams and…

Hall of Justice or Legion Headquarters?

Hall of justice prototype by Mego

When we posted the original Mego 1976 trade advertisement featuring the Mystery General Urko art yesterday a sharp-eyed reader by the name of Dave noticed another weird anomaly, As featured in yesterday’s ad, here is the prototype for the Mego World’s Greatest Superheroes Hall of Justice Playset. It’s obviously been handcrafted. One thing missing from this…

The Top Ten Mego Superhero toys that Never got made….

Top Ten Mego Superhero items that never got made

  by Brain Heiler Mego- A name synonymous with “Superhero” in the 1970s and certainly one of the pioneers of licensed action figure success, while they are no longer, their formula and creativity live on today (hey, you may have heard, we’re fans). While the World’s Greatest Toy Company had an incredible, unprecedented amount of…

Mego Eagle Force Proof Cards Gallery

Mego Eagle Force Proof Card Collection

    We got a splendid surprise this month courtesy of Museum founder Robyn Adams, a set of original Mego proof cards that originally came from former Mego director of creative services Tom Lavely. Some of the other items that Tom managed to save included this original proof card for the Pocket Superheroes and cards…

The Lost Mego Buck Rogers Toys

Mego Buck Rogers toy line, the lost prototypes

By Brain Heiler One of the bigger myths (constantly) written about Mego is the notion that none of their Science Fiction licenses in a post Star Wars world were a success of any sort. While Star Trek the Motion Picture and the Black Hole were certainly disappointments for the company, the weekly kid friendly adventures…

A look at the not produced Mego Sip ‘N See straws for 1979

Mego Twiki

This item is courtesy of our friends at Heroes West Coast and used with permission. Another beautiful glimpse into something that was planned but never made it to the market. Last month we showcased the Star Trek Mr. Spock Sip N’ See straw that was planned for 1979 but it was only one part of…

Mr Spock Action Sip N See Straw

This item is courtesy of our friends at Heroes West Coast and used with permission. Another beautiful glimpse into something that was planned but never made it to the market. The Action Sip”N”See Straw concept actually debuted at Mego in 1977 when they released it for the King Kong range of toys. Mego apparently had…

New Mego Thundarr Discovery

Thundarr King Rat

The never produced Mego Thundarr the Barbarian toy line is usually in the top five of Mego fans wish lists along with “Logan’s Run“, “Ark 2” and the “Greatest American Hero” lines (Not many people mourn “Dallas” sorry). So we at the Mego Museum love any information about Thundarr we can get. That is why…