Mego Museum Photo Review Unboxing of the Punisher set by Diamond Select Toys
It’s been entirely too long since we’ve done an “Up Close” photo review/unboxing of a shiny new ReMego toy set. That’s why the arrival of the Punisher set by Diamond Select Toys is so welcome this summer.
Originally promoted last year, this set has been highly anticipated by fans. Although he was a product of the 1970s, Frank Castle didn’t achieve the popularity for an action figure until Mego was no longer a thing, so it’s nice to finally see him in 8″ glory.
Like all Diamond Select sets, this includes three incarnations of the Punisher, retro, modern and a “Secret Identity” version and yes, unlike the promotional photos, he does have guns, plenty of them.
Head sculpts were done by Andrew Covalt and the rest of the heavy lifting on this set was done by EMCE toys.
So, as with all of our “Mego Museum Up Close” features, we let the pictures do the talking. All the figures were popped directly from the packaging, posed but there is no augmentation or fixing, they are as I got them.
If you like what you see, you get the Punisher from your “Brick ‘N Mortar” comic shop (independent biz needs love these days) or you can use this link to order from our sponsor Entertainment Earth and we’ll get a little something to keep the lights on.
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