White cards Superman, Batman, Robin,Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Hulk, Spiderman,Captain America, Green Goblin
It is a daunting task to find Pocket Heroes on White cards. Cap, Aquaman, Green Goblin and Wonder Woman were created specifically for this release and were not recycled Comic Action Heroes as the first release of heroes were. The most uncommon figures to find on White cards are the heroes previously released on the red cards. Batman and Spiderman are especially tough. The white cards were released in 1980 and remained the line's final packaging style.
Batman : Considered the toughest in the line to find
Wonder Woman: Only available on White Cards
Aquaman: Only available on White Cards/p>
Marvel Characters
Captain America : Only Available on White Cards
Green Goblin: Only Available on White Cards
Hulk: Easiest character to find on White Cards
Italian Carded Hulk and US Carded Hulk.