Conan's axe has not been factory reproduced. There are hand casted versions that have been made. Look for airbubbles and flashing, brittle plastics or hard resins when identifying these handmade reproductions.
Conan's guantlets have not been factory reproduced. There are hand casted versions that have been made. Look for airbubbles and flashing, brittle plastics or hard resins when identifying these handmade reproductions.
Conan's sword has not been factory reproduced. There are hand casted versions that have been made. Look for airbubbles and flashing, brittle plastics or hard resins when identifying these handmade reproductions.
Conan's scabbard has be reproduced by Doctor Mego. The only real difference is it is slightly lighter in color. It is stamped DM on the back side of the scabbard.
Conan's belt has not been factory reproduced. There are hand casted versions that have been made. Look for airbubbles and flashing, brittle plastics or hard resins when identifying these handmade reproductions.
Doc Mego has made some very accurate Conan boots. They are a little more glossy than originals and a touch thicker in material, but otherwise very hard to spot. They are marked DM on the bottom.