Mr. Fantastic's gloves have been factory reproduced by Doctor Mego. The reproductions are very accurate although a little more glossy, and a little thicker plastic. The reproductions are unmarked.
Mr F's black boot is basically a factory cut down black hero style boot and is the same boot worn by Star Trek's Cheron and sometimes found on Hutch from the Starsky and Hutch line. This cut version of the boot has been reproduced by EMCE Toys. It is a factory cut down version of the Doc Mego black hero boot and is stamped with the DM mark on the bottom. The reproduction is taller than the original, is thicker and more glossy. Uncut black hero boots have been made by both Doc Mego and CTVT. These reproductions can be hand cut down by the user to create an almost factory reproduction of the Mr. Fantastic boots. Doc's reproductions are a little more glossy and a little thicker plastic. DM's are a little thinner up from the ankle which is more noticable when cut for Cheron than when used as a hero boot. CTVT are closer in shape, but also a little more glossy. The Doc Mego boots are marked DM on the bottom, and the CTVT boots are unmarked. The picture includes a photoshop crop of what the reproduction boots look like cut flat. Also included in the picture are original black hero style boots which are often cut to create "original" Mr. Fantastic boots. The black hero style boots are found in the Action Jackson Fishing set and also on some Planet of the Apes Dr. Zauis figures. The AJ/Zauis boots tend to be less glossy than the Mr F originals.