All original Superman suits (whether nylon or cloth shorts verions) have shorts sewn into the jumper. Doc's factory made version is two pieces, a blue jumper, and a red pair of Robin style shorts over top. The jumper is marked DM, the shorts are not marked.
Superman had a couple different emblems. The rare find is the large S version, which is much bigger in size. The standard version came in paper and cloth. There are a lot of high quality home made paper and cloth emblems out there, but Doc's in the only factory made version. It's a paper die cut and actually looks much cleaner than the original paper version, which tends to look like a bad print job.
There are two types of Superman boots. The early versions came with what is called the "skinny" boot which is more narrow than the later standard hero boot. Both DM and CTVT have made boots and they vary a bit in shape compared to the original standard boot. Doc Mego's are stamped DM on the bottom. CTVT's are unmarked.
Clark Kent and Superman share the same head. An orginal CK head is unmarked while an orignal Superman head is marked with the NPP DC copyright info on the back of the neck. The head has been reproduced by Doctor Mego. The DM version is a firmer plastic, less flexible. It is also thinner in the face. It is marked DM on the back of the neck. It should also be noted that Mego used the Superman/CK head for Dinah's boyfriend Don. Like Clark, the Don version also has no copyright information on the neck.