BifBangPow! in conjunction with EMCE toys has been releasing 8 inch action figures of their licensed properties since 2010 and have become the premier source for new Mego style action figure, eclipsing all other producers with an incredible volume of current and fitting retro properties.
The first assortments were dedicated to existing properties such as Flash Gordon and the Big Lebowski, properties that BBP had released action figures for previously. The announce of the Venture Brothers and Lost saw the first properties that BBP would develope exclusively in the ReMego format.
In winter 2011, Bifbangpow they had the license to Doctor Who and four waves based on the Tom Baker era (1974-1981) followed.
Fall 2011, saw the announcement of Battlestar Galactica and the Six Million Dollar Man toy lines, easily two of the most demanded brands among Mego fans.

You can now Pre order Brock Samson at Entertainment Earth EE will not charge your credit card until items come in stock and it helps the Museum!
Order The Venture Bros. The Monarch & Dean Venture Action Figures from Entertainment Earth! It helps out the Mego Museum!