In January of 2011 it was announced that Bif Bang Pow! would be producing Mego styled action figures based on the classic Doctor Who Series
There aren't many details at this point but the first wave will concentrate on fourth Doctor Tom Baker, specifically the Hinchecliff era (widely regarded by fans as a zenith for the program) so we may see the likes of the Cybermen, Sarah Jane, Zygons and other nasties in the very near future.
Bif Bang Pow has the rights to the entire classic series, so they can literally make anything if the demand is there.
Below is the announcement from the Toyfare Blog
“Doctor Who” will finally be getting 8-inch cloth costumed figures, thanks to the retro wizards at Bif Bang Pow! (makers of similar figures for “Venture Bros.,” “Twilight Zone” and more).
It might be a shock, but despite being an icon of countless ’70s childhoods, “Doctor Who” never got a Mego figure. Oh sure, a line was developed by Mego and released in the U.K. by Denys Fisher, but those figures were in a 10-inch scale, and not compatible with the 8-inch Mego figures from Marvel, DC, Star Trek and more. And modern figures from Character Options are 5 inches and plastic.
Now a great injustice is about to be righted. Bif Bang Pow!, makers of Mego-esque retro figures for properties like “The Venture Bros.” and “Twilight Zone” will be releasing a range of products featuring classic and modern “Doctor Who”—including 8-inch retro cloth-costumed figures!
“When I first saw the show, I wondered, ‘Where are the toys?’” says Jason Lenzi CEO of BBP!. “[As a child] I went to England and figured the toys would be everywhere, but there was nothing. So it’s a thrill to be working on these toys.”
Although BBP!’s license includes modern and classic versions of the show (as well as ancillary items like bobbleheads, tins, glassware and journals), first out of the gate will be the greatest Doctor of the ’70s, and the first exposure most Americans born before 1995 had to the series: Fourth Doctor Tom Baker. Prototypes for Baker and three other figures, all drawn from the Baker era of the show, will premiere at next month’s International Toy Fair in New York, with a planned launch for sale at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con in July (along with one or two SDCC-exclusive variants).
Depending on reaction from retailers and fans, subsequent series might draw on the current eleventh incarnation of the Doctor, starring Matt Smith, as well as his companions and enemies. Either way, according to Lenzi, there are plans to make all of the Doctors, eventually.
Now if only BBP! could figure out how to time-travel back to the ’70s, they’d make a lot of kids back then happy.
For our wishlist of who we want to see in BBP!’s line, pick up ToyFare #163, on sale 1/19 in comic shops.
The Fourth Doctor will be dressed in his first season outfit complete with hat and sonic screwdriver. The hat has some issues but the rest of the figure more than makes up for it. These are limited to 3,000 units.
Close up of the Sonic Screwdriver Accessory.

Order the fourth Doctor Action Figures from Entertainment Earth!
The only five fingered Sontaran known to the Whoniverse is from the classic Tom Baker two part episode "The Sontaran Experiment". He comes with his helmet, pistol and comminication device and is limited to 3,000 pieces.

Order the fourth Doctor Action Figures from Entertainment Earth! Ordering through this link helps out the MegoMuseum.
The Cyber Leader from "Revenge of the Cybermen" will come with his trusty Cybermat.

Order Doctor Who Cyberleader & The Master Exclusive Action Figures from Entertainment Earth!
The figure does not come with a tissue compressed version of the Doctor, we threw in a mini Tom Baker from a bluebird set for a laugh.
The Master from the epsiode "The Deadly Assasin " crossed the fourth Doctor twice..

Order Doctor Who Cyberleader & The Master Exclusive Action Figures from Entertainment Earth!
Our first Assistant comes to us in the second wave, hooray! Leela is one of the more memorable companions the show ever had..

I'm happy to say that I was the guy who suggested the baddie from "Pyramids of Mars" to BBP and I love them for agreeing with me..

The title baddie from "The Brain of Morbius"..

The leisure suited one eyed alien from the classic later Baker store "City of Death" is coming out this February..