Back for more action was Patrick British toy distributor Denys Fisher, However, evidence has come to light that a Steed figure may UPDATE! The Museum received this email from a South African collector that adds more weight to the theory. Martin writes in and says " I had these new avengers action men when i was a kid ,i had the gambit dressed in a karate suit,my brother had
The Bowler Hat
A few years ago, collector John
Bonavita received a letter from a South African die cast collector
who informed John that the New Avengers figures not only existed
but that he had them as a child.
To prove his point, the collector sent John the only thing left
from his Steed doll, the trademark Bowler
The hat, modeled here by an old Fighting Yank doll (oh, the irony…),
is a tantalizing mystery item that one day may lead us to the unseen
action figure. With the recent South African discovery of
Mego Jet Jungle it seems that now more than ever there are some
missing pieces to the Mego puzzle yet to be found….
Thanks to John Bonavita for sharing this amazing artifact!
This Denys Fisher catalog page
that showcases the unproduced Steed and Gambit figures.
The Denys Fisher Purdy Doll was
the only figure released in the UK for the New Avengers