While not bigger than the other figures, Mego Little John’s headsculpt has
captured the somewhat cocky side of the character very well.
Note that Little John is shown with a Tarzan
Knife on the back of the box.
Little John wears a brown and yellow hooded shirt that has been reproduced by Classic TV Toys. The repro’s hood has a little less room and the yellow is a little brighter in color. The material is also a little smoother. The neckline on the orignal is more open, where the repro has the yellow part of the shirt coming right up to the neck. The brown portions of the repro lean on the olive side of brown where the original shirt has a pretty pure brown color. The repro is unmarked.
Little John wears brown tights that have been reproduced by CTVT. The repro’s color is on the olive side of brown, while the originals are a more pure brown. The material on the repro is a touch thicker and more smooth than the originals. They are unmarked.
Little John wears brown belt, the same design as the Robin yellow belt in the WGSH series. This belt has been reproduced by CTVT. The repro is lighter in color and has a slightly different texture imprinted on it. This is most noticable in the buckle where the texture doesn’t fill the buckle area. On the original the buckle is filled with texture. The repro is marked CTV on the back.
Friar Tuck and Little John both carry the same staff. The staff has been reproduced by CTVT. The repro is a little thicker and lighter in color. It is marked CTV on the side.
Little John carries a blade also found on Robin Hood, Wil Scarlet, Long John Silver in the Pirate line, as well as the Lion Rock version of the Western figures. CTVT has made a reproduction. The repro is lighter gray and has a lot of noticable flashing. It is marked CTV on the blade. There is also a vintage Mego era reproduction on the Tim Mee Western figures. The Tim Mee version of the blade is identical to the original Mego in most respects. There is a slight color difference. The Tim Mee looks a little more flat grey while the original has a little bit of a shine to it.
The Robin Hood gang, except for Friar Tuck, all wear the same boots in different colors. They are unique to the line. In the case of Little John, they are brown boots. They have been reproduced by CTVT. The repro’s are lighter brown and very smooth, were the orignals have a little texture to them. They repro’s are also a touch wider. They are marked CTV.
Robin Hood and Little John wear the same hat, just in different colors. Little John’s is brown. The hat has been reproduced by CTVT. The repro’s are a darker brown in color and have some flashing evident that the originals don’t. The repro’s are marked CTV on the inside.
Little John’s head has been reproduced by CTVT. The repro is shorter than the original and the hair and eyebrows are painted darker brown. The repro is made of a softer material and is unmarked.