Mego Museum News
All the news that's fit to print (and then some) on the world's best Mego website, The Mego Museum. Subscribe to our RSS feed and gets updates on new additions to the galleries, changes on the website, and more!
Friday, December 29, 2006
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Mego Commercials for a Wednesday
In an effort to combat post holiday blahs, we're going to post some new Mego videos all this week, starting with these two commercials. The above commercial for the Mego Star Trek the Motion Picture ship line of toys (which are quite rare) and the below ad for the mega rare Micronaut vehicles Ampzilla, Sharkos and Lobstros. Enjoy!
Sunday, December 24, 2006
The Mego Museum Interview with Product Manager Harvey Zelman

Recently, we at the Museum were lucky to be contacted by Mr. Harvey Zelman, former product manager for Mego, who was game to share his experiences. Mr. Zelman had his hand in much of Mego's output during his six year tenure and he answered many nagging Mego collector questions (Like why are the Flash Gordon figures 10 inches tall?)
It doesn't end with Mego. Harvey is also the man responsible for a pop culture phenomenon, read for yourself.
Comment on the story in the Mego Museum Forums.
More German Mego Discoveries

Thanks again to ever gracious Gerhard, we have a wonderful German catalog spread for the Mego Knights featuring the very rare jousting horse. As an added bonus, Gerhard shares with us that the Knights were marketed in a unique fashion in Europe.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Journey into the Black Hole

Today's update was submitted by Gerhard, a gallery of Italian ads for the Mego Black Hole line. Many of the products GIG marketed were European only not to mention very cool, so check it out.
Friday, December 22, 2006
The Final Mego Star Trek Card: The Andorian

I think Scott describes this card better than I could: We've come in on the epilogue after the fight with the Andorian. It's as classic a Star Trek moment as they come: Kirk triumphant and smug, Spock and McCoy trading humorous barbs about Vulcan logic, cue music and closing credits...
For information on how you can receive a free set of Mego Museum Star Trek trading cards, send an email to tradingcards to get on the mailing list! We will notify you when the cards are ready to go. Keep checking in this month for more views of the upcoming card set.

Todd does Hawkman a little Mego Justice with this wonderful custom.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Mugato Attack!

Hot Damn! If these cards weren't getting cooler, Scott had to put a good old fashioned Monkey fight into the mix. The Mugato, is another cool card made out of a regrettably dressed Mego Star Trek Alien. Enjoy!
There are five more updates left!

Check out Anthony's groovy 60's Batman two pack.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Crossing into the Mego Neutral Zone

From the control room of a Romulan Bird of Prey comes the new Mego Museum Star Trek trading card.

Check out this cool Fist Fighting Superman Box from Anthony, looks like it was made by Mego.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Star Trek Alien Cards Continue

Updates continue with the Mego Talos card, the diminutive alien wouldn't look right fighting Kirk so Scott whipped up this very cool dramatic scene complete with "trek lighting".

Custom Spotlight goes to BlackKnights wonderful rendition of Polaris from the X Men, it's amazing the custom output recently.......
What was your greatest Christmas Present Ever? We want to know!
Monday, December 18, 2006
Biddy Biddy Biddy Nice Wheels Bub!

Added the boxed Mego Buck Rogers Landrover to the gallery, a tough piece to find in this series. Especially in a sealed box.
Laurie has done a new batch of customs including Mandrake, Dare Devil and Zantanna. Well worth a look!
Also, check out this custom Catwoman
Sunday, December 17, 2006
What are the top five Mego packages?

We put it to a vote to see what form of 8" packaging was considered "the best" by Mego collectors, the results may surprise you.
Plus Sunday Update!
Friday, December 15, 2006
The Creature from Neptune

A cool one today as we unveil our last Mego Star Trek Alien card for the week, the Neptunian sure wasn't a character on the original series but was he an abandoned Creature from the Black Lagoon knock off? Click the link to read more......
Cool thread on the little bonuses you get when buying from certain Ebay sellers.
Albert has a done a really cool custom of THE CREEPER from DC comics.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
A Mego Keeper

Scott had some fun with this treatment of the classic Mego Alien, the Keeper. Click on the pic for a larger view
Check out JMC's very nice rendition of the classic character Captain Marvel.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Eat Drop Kick Lizard!

The Mego Gorn card is our feature today in all it's Captain Kirk Drop Kick glory. For a better look, click here......
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
How about a little nevre pinch action huh?

Mego Star Trek Aliens cards roll out beginning with the uber fun Cheron card. Mr Spock shows Bele who's boss on this star ship.
The Custom Spotlight goes to Austin's Reb Brown Captain America, a sweet bit of 70's TV cheese.
Also check out JMC's golden Age Hawkman, from the "All Star Squadron" comic, pretty sweet.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Mego Captain Kirk kicks a little butt

We're unveiling the aliens this week with the ultimate Trek baddie, The Klingon. Scott has played a little with the format and wow, I'm glad he has. As he puts it "the Aliens exist for one reason: So Kirk could have someone to kick in the ass." Check it out here.

Please Santa: Alberto has just completed this killer Spider-woman custom. Color me jealous....
Friend....Goooooood! Also check out this cool Bride of Frankenstein diorama by Thomas.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Goodnight John Boy

Another addition to our Christmas Wishbook section, this time it's the Mego Waltons/Wizard of OZ offerings from JC Penney in 1975.
Pop Culture Customs

"Teany Weeny Super Beanie pointing towards the sky, give me muscles, power, strength, make me a super guy" I'm loving Todd's treatment of the Archie Superheroes.
Austin brings in the 70's TV goodness with his Reb Brown as Captain America custom, love it!
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Hailing frequencies are open

Saturday's update is the lovely Mego Lt. Uhura card, completing our bridge crew. The cards actually line up together, check it out.
Holy Bat Customs!
Thomas updates everyone on his progress recreating the 66 Batman series, starting off with Egghead, the Mad Hatter and of course, Burt Ward as Robin.
Cool customs are all over the place as evidenced by this beautiful Wolverine figure.
More updates tomorrow! Visit us at
Friday, December 08, 2006
I've giv'n her all she's got captain, an' I canna give her no more

One of my favourites, today's gumcard is Mego Mr Scott. Scott really nailed the mood on this one IMO. Stay tuned for more updates at the Mego Museum throughout the month of December!
Austin really made this smashing version of Flash villian the Trickster recently, very nice!
Massive Spider-man 3 Spoilers can be found here.
Speaking of Spider-man, we're discussing the new Hasbro 9" Spiderman figures , the reviews are positive!
Thursday, December 07, 2006
I'm a Gumcard not a Doctor!

That header wrote itself. Continuing our "Mego Advent Calendar" we have a new addition to our family of Mego Star Trek cards, this time it's none other than ship's surgeon and country doctor, Leonard "Bones" McCoy.. Please tell us your thoughts at the Mego Forum.
Topic of Mego Interest:
The Mego Traveller is going around the world, track his progress.
A nice tale about friends and of course an amazing find of Mego.
I'm loving this cool Doc Savage Custom, Russ has done his custom, A Gwen Stacey that captures her very well and this Clint Eastwood is near perfect.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Holy Magnetics Batman!

A cool update to the advent calendar today, shots of a carded GIG Magnetic Batman. For those not in the know, lucky European kids got Superheroes that had the same features as the Micronauts . Carded examples are few and far between so we're excited to be able to feature this.

This week's custom Spotlight is this killer Cathy Lee Crosby as Wonderwoman, the movie may have been regrettable but there is nothing wrong with this detailed custom!
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
The Logical Next Step in Mego Trading Cards

You really can't have Kirk without Spock so today's Mego Museum Trading Card reveal is a real no brainer. Personally, I think Scott has done another outstanding job of capturing the essence of what the figure is about but judge for yourself.
Want to know how you can get these cards? Check the page for a new announcement.
Monday, December 04, 2006
The Captain Kirk Mego Trading Card

Continuing our December Advent Calendar of updates, Scott has unveiled the first Mego Star Trek Trading Card. Lots more reveals to come all through the month of December.
Weekend Updates:
Friday, December 01, 2006
The Mego Museum Advent Calendar

What's December without toys? Thats why Scott cooked up this amazing Mego advent calendar for the entire month of December, each day on the Mego Museum we'll be adding a new update. Today we're visiting the Planet of the Apes thanks to the 1975 Sears Catalog.
If that wasn't enough......