We have an amazing Custom Mego Blog that is so well done it has had me really focused on the custom section of our forum. What's great about the customs forum is I have watched people grow as artists over the years and the scope of characters change from the weekly Flash and Daredevil to a broadening variety. Here are some great examples.... 

Laurie Halbritter made this insane Mary Jane from Spider-Man custom, if Mary Jane looked like this, no crime fighting would get done. It'd be "Uncle Ben who?"
This Captain Action Version of the Punisher is really something to behold, a real marriage of ideas new and vintage.
Joe AKA Thunderbolt has created another amazing DC character, this time it's Aquaman's evil half brother, The Ocean Master! Somehow Joe manages to elicit a cool vibe out of a normally goofy looking character, great job!
Usually the only detectives we get are the Dark Knight, this week we get two of the greats, Holmes and Poirot courtesy of Other Dude, whose customs never let us down in detail or subject matter!
Bob did another nice job with Marvel Bronze age character Damian Hellstorm, the Son of Satan.
This is the content that happened this week, I don't know how the guys pick just one figure for "Custom of the Week" like they do, I don't envy them with the amazing amount of talent that is present at our custom Mego forums.