
Action Jackson was a turning point for Mego, by creating a TV advertised piece, he changed Mego's entire structure

He was also instrumental in Mego's pitch to get the WGSH license "we took an awful lot of Action Jacksons and made new heads and costumes" explains Neal Kublan, he also mentions that the versality of AJ's 8" body design was not intentional "it was a lucky accident"

This was AJ's last year of release at Mego, his versaltity awarded him a grusome fate of being reused for more popular lines and Neal describes Some of the material we couldn't use we turned into reprocessed plastic and used over again." .

Some great releases came out this year such as the much coveted Racecar and the Lost Continent, which was later repackaged as a Planet of the Apes playset

The AJ blistercard pieces are difficult to find these days as they were end run pieces produced in limited quantity.

Mego 1974 Action Jackson Catalog Page

Mego 1974 Action Jackson Catalog Page

Mego 1974 Action Jackson Catalog Page

Mego 1974 Action Jackson Catalog Page

Mego 1974 Action Jackson Catalog Page