Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Mego Quality Control 1975

This not so shining example of quality control in Hong Kong was sent to us by our friends at Amazing 3rd Planet and was pulled from a factory case.

Captain Kirk, you've looked better....

MegoMuseum Forum

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Monday, March 30, 2009

Mego Corp Memo from Martin Abrams : September 29, 1977

Rare inter office Memo from Mego Corp., describing the promotions of Tom Fauls, Sid Noble and Harry Rotenberg. Click on the picture to see a larger view.

Mego Museum Forum

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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Toy Sale at K-Mart! Mego Comic Book Heroes $3.38

K Mart Toy Sale featuring Mego Superheroes

Sadly people this sale ended December 9th, 1978.

Mego Forum

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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Mego Apes Selling Well in Miami

This report is from March 1975

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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Mego Toyfair Showroom 1975

mego wizard of oz

Toy Fair 1975: B. Goldberg and J. Romaine (presumably sales reps) show the new Wizard of Oz line from Mego. The Diorama featued makes you wonder what other displays looked like...

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Monday, March 09, 2009

Planet of the Apes Store Appearance 1975

Scott W sent in this amazing shot of him at a Long Island Planet of the Apes appearance at a toy store. Check out the stacks of Mego Treehouse playsets behind Cornelius.

Thanks to Scott for sharing this truly amazing memory!

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Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Starsky and Hutch British Two Pack

We've expanded our Mego Starsky and Hutch coverage with a better look at the Palitoy UK Two Pack that combined the famous TV cop team in a very logical manner. This is thanks to Bill Frost, whose set is in way, way better condition than mine which we originally had featured.

Mego Starsky and Hutch Two Pack

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Monday, March 02, 2009

New Discoveries at Mego Like

Who are the Thrill Seekers? They're a bunch of 8" Daredevils from Lincoln International, they're so fearless that they stole parts from Mego themselves and they don't care who knows it.

The Thrillseekers are one of the neater Megolike finds in recent times, special thanks to Ebay Seller RetroToyBoy for sharing.


Megohead of the Month for March is SlipperyLilSuckers

Museum Handle:

First Name?

Where do you hail from?
Sydney, Australia

How did you find the Megomuseum?
I did a search on old Superman figures and found a mailing list which eventually led me to MM.

What inspired you to join the forum?
From around 2001, I lurked around the place for almost 2 years, I was very shy back in those days. Abmac constantly encouraged me to make posts and join in once I finally signed up and made a couple of posts.

What is your favorite Mego line?
WGSH without a doubt.

Happiest Mego Memory?
Getting my boxed Superman when I was a kid. Finding my name in Benjamin’s book has to rank pretty highly too.

What’s one item in your collection your most proud of?
My Cheetah, made with love and great skill as a gift from my partner. If I could keep only one figure, she would have to be it.

What’s the one thing you’re hunting for in 2009?
A Lili Ledy Supernina

Any other hobbies, collections?

I also love Big Jim, The Lone Ranger, die-cast cars and most recently, Star Wars and Batman Lego. I have bits and pieces of all kinds of things that have taken my fancy over the years.

Any words of wisdom for beginning collectors?

Be patient…there will probably be another one around the corner. I went mad when I first started collecting and probably could have gotten a lot better deals. Also, go for dust preventing displays.
