Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Canadian Comic Action Heroes Spider-Car

Really neat foreign variation today, courtesy of Mark Schmidt, it's the Canadian Version of the Mego Comic Action heroes Spider-Car which is drastically different than it's US counterpart seen below:

For more on these figures, please visit the Mego Museum Comic Action Heroes Gallery:

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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

L'uomo Ragno!

Our buddy Olmo sent in this cool pic from the 1978 Harbert Catalog, where the sole Mego figure for sale was none other than everyone's favourite web head. These Harbert cards do crop up periodically but are not easy to find.

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Thursday, April 02, 2009

Megotronic Cheque

An odd little piece of Mego history today, looks like somebody got the big payday of forty two smackers from the electronics division of Mego.
One man's trash is another man's lunatic obsession. Click on the image for a larger look (if your heart can take it)

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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Toy Sale at K-Mart! Mego Comic Book Heroes $3.38

K Mart Toy Sale featuring Mego Superheroes

Sadly people this sale ended December 9th, 1978.

Mego Forum

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Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Mego of the Day: Ford Torino

Mego of the Day is the third star of the TV series "Starsky and Hutch" (sorry Huggy Bear) the Ford Torino. While Mego didn't exactly make it to scale, it was so cool that nobody really cared.

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Monday, January 19, 2009

The Doctor's Best Friend: K-9

Our exploration into the Mego Denys Fisher Doctor Who line continues with the only figure added in the second wave, robotic companion K-9.

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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Mego Meet 2008 ReCap Part 3 Seminars and Toy Display

Like every year, folks from the Museum community step up and offer to run Mego Seminars in order to provide entertainment for the day. This also helps to thin the crowd down at the dealers area, so it's really win/win. This years seminar's included "Mego Mythbusters" headed by yours truly, Dave always gives me the early class after a pub crawl so he's a lot like my guidance counseller. Dave followed up with an Accessory Check talk based on his tireless efforts in that department.

After our group photo, Doc Mego discussed EMCE toys to a standing room only crowd, the final seminar was the Custom Q & A headed by a foursome of well known Museum customizers, which is always well attended.

In the midst of all this, Chris Johnson's Megomeet exclusive figure "Mighty Mightor" went on sale and sold out. Chris always takes these projects on himself and we're glad he does.While the day was winding down with our Custom Auction and Bandwidth Raffle (both great big successes, thank you very much) I decided to take a look at the epic toy display that was on the upper level.

John Santori provided this fantastic Star Trek bridge for our centerpiece this year and it was well appreciated. I was really smitten with the attention to detail here.

Ray Miller provided a beautiful display of Mego Micronauts including some rare prototypes from the Lords of Light line. Micronauts don't get enough love at Megomeet, so we're lucky to have Ray.

The rest of the display room was no less impressive, with an assortment of rare 3 3/4" figures provided by Chris Johnson and of course, an 8" display that is unmatched.

Finally the hall was home to the selections from the 1978 Project, that Scott tirelessly worked on all weekend. There was also space to some of Mego's rarer items including a horse display that was pretty impressive.

Eventually it was time to pack up, have our well attended annual meal at Undo's and head back to the Mego Suite andbegrudgingly say our goodbyes. We made a few new friends this year and that's what this is all about. Mego Meet 2008 was another roaring success and a tremendous reflection of all the good people that I'm happy to be affiliated with.

See you next year!

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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Results are in!

The votes have been tallied and the results for the 1978 RE: Imagined contest are in. Come check out what the panel of judges which included two former Mego employees had to say.

Then if you haven't already come see all the entries at the Mego Forum, there is an intoxicating amount of talent and imagination put into all of these. Well done, everybody!

Less than one week until MegoMeet, this year's Mego Convention, hope to see you there.

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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Final Date for 1978 Entries

Today is the closing date for the Mego Museum's 1978 Re:Imagined project, so if you have projects/concepts today is the final day.

The entries will be judged by two members of the MegoMuseum Forum as well as two former Mego Employees, the selected pieces will then be included in our 1978: Re Imagined Catalog to be published later in the year.

Check out all the Entries Here

Two Weeks Until Mego Meet the fourth annual Mego Convention.

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Thursday, May 01, 2008

1978 Project: Mego Employee Panel Announced, Final Submissions due by May 20

Hey everyone! Our deadline of May 20th is fast approaching.

We are excited and proud to confirm that former Mego R&D employees Harvey Zelman and Tory Mucaro will be on our panel evaluating and offering their insight on submissions.

The catalog lineup will be announced May 21st. The selected submissions
will be displayed and photographed at Megomeet so remember to make sure you give yourself enough time to get them mailed to me by May 30th. After that, they might not make the event. (June 6-7)

Everyone who has submitted should contact me for a shipping address. You can ship them whenever you want, just make sure they are in my hands no later than May 30th.

Remember to make sure there is a note in that that gives all the information on the figures, and on who you are, complete with return address. Also remember, you are responsible for return postage, so you might want to toss in an MO, or cash or something that will cover the return trip.

Not exactly sure when the catalog will be complete, but we plan on locking Scott up in the Museum basement until he completes his task.

Check out all the submissions in the 1978 Forum.

At World's Greatest Toys Benjamin is showcasing images from the 1979 Mego Annual Report, if you don't click there and check it out you lose your status as a Mego Collector. That's right, we're pulling your union card, we can do that.

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Friday, January 18, 2008

Childworld Apes Ad plus New Trading Cards!

Perhaps my favourite of the entire lot of Child World Ad art, this ad for the Mego Planet of the Apes line is just too pretty for words.
For more about Mego Reproduction Art, visit the Museum Gallery Here.

Scott surprised everybody(including me) by unveiling two new Megomuseum trading cards, this time for the American West Line, Davey Crocket never looked so good.

Hot Threads on the Mego Museum Message Boards:

New Poll: Who is Best in the Mego American West?

Check out this Awesome Lone Ranger Custom

10 Things I needed to know (from reading World's Greatest Toys)

EMCE toys Spock and Andorian Figures have Arrived

Check out the Amazing Mego Goodies at a toyshow this past Sunday

Check out all the Submissions for the 1978 : REimagined Project

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Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Rare Mego Batmobile Gift Set

Mego Comic Action Heroes Batmobile Gift Set

A terrific addition today to the Megomuseum Galleries, the extremely rare Mego Comic Action Heroes Batmobile Set. This is without a doubt one of the rarest Superhero toys Mego produced, few boxed examples have survived.

Mego Star Trek Aliens 4

The Fourth wave of Mego Star Trek Aliens are just one of the submissions to the 1978 Re:Imagined Project that's in full swing. Check out the 1978 forum to see all the submissions!

And don't forget in 6 days, we unveil the Lost Treasures of the Mego Showroom, truly the Mego find of the decade and one you won't want to miss...

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Monday, November 26, 2007

Canadian Hutch plus Mego Community News

mego hutch

Our gallery update today is a Canadian Carded (Grand Toys) Hutch from Starsky and Hutch. Thanks to Mark Schmidt for this cool new entry.

mego 1978

The concepts are starting to come in for the Megomuseum 1978 Re:Imagine Project. Come check out what folks think Mego should have done or get involved with your own ideas.

mego 1978

Just another terrific image from the new Mego book World's Greatest Toys celebrating the Mego Superheroes. The book is now available at your local comic store, if they don't have it in stock, get them to order it. I can honestly say, it's the best book on toys I own.

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Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Action Jackson is always Well Dressed!

mego action jackson article mego corp

Our Mego Advertising Archive gets a new addition today in the form of this 1972 article about the upcoming Action Jackson Scramble cycle. This is an early piece of Mego history and shows the growing company's expanding creativity.

worlds greatest toys

Jason submitted this wicked Jason Todd Robin and it is this week's custom spotlight. Customs are an integral part of the upcoming 1978 Re:Imagine project from the Megomuseum, if you missed the announcement click here.

mego action jackson article mego corp

Oh Happy day: World's Greatest Toys is now available at your local comic store, hurry and grab it today!

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Monday, November 19, 2007

Mego Museum Announces the 1978 Re: Imagine Project

Presenting 1978 Re: Imagine, the latest endeavour from the Mego

the 1978 Mego catalog you create

The Mego Museum is turning back the clock to 1978 and asking YOU to join the Research and Development department. Show us what lines you'd make. Would it be a new series of World's Greatest Superheroes or would Planet of the Apes make a comeback? A fourth wave for Star Trek or a new line from the 1978 TV season? Did Mego grab the Star Wars license just in time? What changes were in store for the Micronauts?

The goal: To create a 16 page color catalog which illustrates our
collective fantasies of what Mego might have been in 1978 and to
showcase the creative ingenuity of the Mego Community through:

•Custom action figure projects (New or previously created--We want
to showcase the best, most Mego-like customs)

•Original package design

•Concept art (illustration, graphic design, computer generated imagery)

It's all your call: Team up and collaborate. Design, create, present ideas in the 1978 Forum. Every one can be a part of 1978.

Guidelines will be posted on the Mego Museum Forum this week and the winners will be selected this February 20th (just in time for Toy Fair) by a team that will include former Mego employees. The contest will be adminstrated by Dave McCormick and Brian Heiler. Selected submissions will be photographed by World's Greatest Toys Author Benjamin Holcomb and Mego Museum artist Scott Adams and put into a Mego style product catalog, the first publication from, which will be sold Summer 2008. Proceeds to fund future Mego Museum projects.

This is your chance to create the toys we've all wanted Mego to make and get them approved by the Mego creative staff themselves!

Reimagine 1978 with the Mego Museum!

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Friday, August 10, 2007

!978 Means Micronauts!

mego superheroes in the aldens catalog

No trip into 1978 can be without a visit to the The Interchangable world of the Micronauts!.

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