Thursday, January 14, 2010

Time For Action, Johnny Action!

Neat addition to the Lionrock World War 2 Gallery today, it's the 1976 Mego Johnny Action Catalog featuring the military that Mego marketed around the world under many different names.

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Monday, September 14, 2009

America's Favorite T.V and Comic Hero

batman mego This page is from the 1977 for "Johnny's Toys" a KY/OH based chain of toystores and features a tribute to the Batman (and some marvel characters snuck in there for good measure), interesting that they're still using RC Batman years after he was discontinued, must have confused a pile of kids. Click on the image for a larger view.

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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Celebrity Dolls: Cameos Of Our Culture

NEW YORK - If the $3 billion toy business is a "crap shoot." as Marty Abrams savs, he's on a winning streak betting that kids would rather dress a sexv superstar than change diapers “ After all," says the youthful entrepreneur, "toys are cameos of our culture " So even as the dogwoods are blossoming, Abrams is launching an advertising campaign for Christmas buyers featuring - you guessed it — Farrah Fawcett-Majors and Fonzie and Cher and Tennile and other hot show biz characters While many tov manufacturers soured on the idea after the market was glutted with Batman toys in the late 1960s. Abrams has built the family business into a $70 million a-year enterprise with celebrity dolls In the past six years his Mego International Inc has climbed from about 100th on the list to seventh among the country's largest toy firms.

The only companies that really got hurt licensing ( contracting for celebrity dolls) were those that over-licensed."
Abrams said Last vear his Cher doll was the top seller in the industry. For her part Mrs Cher Bono Allman collected a cool $1 million in royalties from Mego. Abrams said But Abrams won't divulge his contract
Terms “It varies from star to star," he said "It's a crap shoot, anyway," he added.

Fawcett-Majors, as well as the others will remain at the top of the heap long enough to sell as mans dolls as she did pinup posters (five million) last fall.

"We have to keep our fingers on the pulse of pop culture." he said "I'm continually watching TV and reading the show business publications The media continually creates new fads new idols "

Abrams' instincts are reflected in his showroom 40 floors above Fifth Avenue where this season's real life stars such as Starsky and Hutch share shelf space with science fiction’s King Kong, Wonder Woman and characters from Star Ti ek. Noting the boom in citizens band radios. Abrams was quick to come out w ith a line of toy trucks and microphones built around a character called CB McHaul.

There is a Diana Ross doll and Muhammad Ali, aimed at the black market.

When a star is hot she or he gets a full compliment of accessories. To dress Cher in the styIe to which she is accustomed. for example, there are 32 different costumes There is a vintage sports car with Cher's ex-husband and TV partner. Sonny Bono, at the wheel. Figuring that Farrah's sunstreaked hair is her top asset Mego has a bust of the beauty so that little girls can wash and comb her hair They may even apply lipstick and makeup and false eye lashes. "It's somewhat of a status svmbol to be a doll," Abrams said.
May 1977

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Monday, April 27, 2009

Palitoy of the Day: The Joker

Another beauty of a Palitoy/Mego card, courtesy of Bill Frost. Today's feature is the clown prince of crime, the Joker. Weird that they removed the Penguin's umbrella on his package but left the cane....
MegoMuseum Forums : Better than ever!

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Monday, March 30, 2009

Mego Corp Memo from Martin Abrams : September 29, 1977

Rare inter office Memo from Mego Corp., describing the promotions of Tom Fauls, Sid Noble and Harry Rotenberg. Click on the picture to see a larger view.

Mego Museum Forum

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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Mego of the Day: Steve Goal Getter

Mego of the Day is UK Exclusive Steve Goalgetter, produced by Mego corp for toy distributor Wiggens Teape in the late Seventies. Steve remains one of the harder items to find in the Mego collecting world.

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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

It's Vinyl Cape Superman!

Megohead Steve Bracha sent in this rarely seen variation of the Mego Man of Steel, the vinyl cape. Check it out here at the Mego Superman Gallery. Thanks Steve and thanks also to Chet for pointing this out.

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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Doctor's Enemy #1 : The Daleks

I'm sure everybody saw this coming, today we take a new look at the demented product of the planet Skaro, the Daleks! Check out the new gallery page.
This concludes are look at the Denys Fisher Doctor Who line, many thanks to Bill Frost for all the help.

Stay Tuned Next Week for the Prototypes from 1974!

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Friday, January 16, 2009

Cyberman: The Threat from the Outer World!

Today's gallery in our Mego Doctor Who "upgrade" (I'm a clever boy!) are the Cybermen, while the figure isn't really show accurate, it does kind of reflect the charm the original series had.

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Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Savage Leela

Today's update in the Mego Doctor Who Gallery is Leela, the sultry savage companion for the fourth Doctor.
More Who-mania all week at the Megomuseum.

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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Robot that Controls the World

Continuing our week long look at the Mego Doctor Who line, today we look at the first bad guy the fourth Doctor ever faced, The Giant Robot.

Stay tuned all week for more Adventures in Megofrey.

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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Celebrating Mego's Time Lord

That's right, all this week we'll be taking a revised look at the Mego/Denys Fisher produced toyline based on the long running UK series "Doctor Who".

No better place than the Doctor himself, his gallery has been updated with new images and information.
Check it out here and be sure to check back every day for a new addition to the Museum's Doctor Who Galleries.

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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

1977 Superhero Toy Explosion!

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Monday, December 29, 2008

Here they are the Micronauts!

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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The 1977 Mego Green Arrow A Card

An interesting new addition to the Megomuseum Galleries is this 1977 A carded Green Arrow, he most notable feature of these figures is the butterfly punch and the thinner plastic bubble.

While both backers are non glossy on these versions, what's unique about the card on the left unique about the card on the right is it's purple backer, proving to many that there was an Aquaman in this A card series as well..

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