Mego Superheroes in Vampirella Mag

Rob submitted this cool Mego World's Greatest Superheroes ad from Vampirella comics today, a real nice pictorial of some early superheroes, dig the Spider-Man outfit. Rob runs a staggering amount of cool blogs such as the Aquaman Shrine and one dedicated to black and white comics where this ad appeared, check em out!
Speaking of publications, if you're planning on going to San Deigo Comic Con today there is a panel every Mego head should attend:
12:00-1:00 TwoMorrows Publishing—
Join the gang from TwoMorrows Publishing for a behind-the-scenes look at what goes into creating all their fan-favorite books and magazines on comics! Author George Khoury, Modern Masters' Eric Nolen- Weathington, World's Greatest Toys Author Benjamin Holcomb, Alter Ego's Paul Hamerlinck, Write Now!'s Danny Fingeroth, and publisher/moderator John Morrow unveil new products and offer exclusive previews of upcoming items, in a multimedia presentation!
Room 3
Show Ben some Mego love and visit this panel!
Labels: Comics, Mego, San Diego Comic Con, Superheroes