Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Starsky and Hutch British Two Pack

We've expanded our Mego Starsky and Hutch coverage with a better look at the Palitoy UK Two Pack that combined the famous TV cop team in a very logical manner. This is thanks to Bill Frost, whose set is in way, way better condition than mine which we originally had featured.

Mego Starsky and Hutch Two Pack

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Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Mego of the Day: Ford Torino

Mego of the Day is the third star of the TV series "Starsky and Hutch" (sorry Huggy Bear) the Ford Torino. While Mego didn't exactly make it to scale, it was so cool that nobody really cared.

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Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Mego of the Day: Starsky

Mego spotlight goes to Detective Dave Starksy from the "Starsky and Hutch" (obviously) one of mego's finer TV lines.

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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

MOTD: Captain Dobey

It wouldn't be Moustache Week without TV Super Cop, Captain Dobey. Whose hobbies include leisure suits and yelling at Starsky and Hutch.

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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Mego of the Day: Chopper From Starsky and Hutch

Mego of the Day for Tuesday is the generic bad guy to TV's Supercop Duo Starsky and Hutch, an underrated gem of an action figure. If you didn't have him, there would be much for the cops to do. An interesting bit of trivia is that Chopper was sculpted by Ken Sheller and was never meant to have that painted on Hobo beard. Without Chopper takes on a more menacing appearance whcih was orginally intended....

Did you have a Chopper as a kid? Is this the first time you've heard mention of it? Is it on your wantlist? Does it interest you?

Wednesday's MOTD: Reinhart from the Black Hole

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Monday, November 26, 2007

Canadian Hutch plus Mego Community News

mego hutch

Our gallery update today is a Canadian Carded (Grand Toys) Hutch from Starsky and Hutch. Thanks to Mark Schmidt for this cool new entry.

mego 1978

The concepts are starting to come in for the Megomuseum 1978 Re:Imagine Project. Come check out what folks think Mego should have done or get involved with your own ideas.

mego 1978

Just another terrific image from the new Mego book World's Greatest Toys celebrating the Mego Superheroes. The book is now available at your local comic store, if they don't have it in stock, get them to order it. I can honestly say, it's the best book on toys I own.

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