Megomuseum Trading Card of the Day: Buffalo Bill

Labels: 1974, american west, Mego, meo, trading cards
All the news that's fit to print (and then some) on the world's best Mego website, The Mego Museum. Subscribe to our RSS feed and gets updates on new additions to the galleries, changes on the website, and more!
Labels: 1974, american west, Mego, meo, trading cards
Tiny Timelords: Otherdude has obviously been busy, he posted an exhaustive amount of Doctor Who Customs on the boards this week and they're smashing too. I must admit, I'm totally jealous. Check them out here.
Labels: ChiPs, Customs, Doctor Who, mego corp., meo
Today's revised Mad Monsters Gallery and trading card reveal is the Mego Dreadful Dracula. Along with what is my eye popping art, we have what can only be called the definitive page for this character, every known packaging variant is now on display thanks to Charlie Balicki's great contributions . This fine card was sponsored by Bill McFarland AKA Wee67.
Happy Halloween!
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Labels: dracula, mad monsters, mego corp, meo, trading cards