Monday, August 17, 2009

Mego Heroes World Ad from 1981

Chris Franklin sent in this great Heroes World ad from 1981 which combines Mego Pocket Superheroes with CHiPs, Star Wars and even the Remco Mini Monsters make an appearance.

Click on the ad to see a bigger version and for more Heroes World Goodness, visit our Heroes World Gallery today.

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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

CHiPs Gets Launched!

Sweet update to our Mego CHiPs Gallery page today courtesy of the always great Olmo Giovannini, this is the bike launcher set (very similiar to the old Evel Knievel toys) and it's in the rarely seen Italian (GIG) box. Thanks Olmo!

hulk smash

Mego Hulk Goes Globe Trotting: Bill Aka Wee67 shared with us this awesome pictures of his Mego Hulk visiting Turkey. Click on the picture to see many more shots.

Tiny Timelords: Otherdude has obviously been busy, he posted an exhaustive amount of Doctor Who Customs on the boards this week and they're smashing too. I must admit, I'm totally jealous. Check them out here.

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Thursday, March 06, 2008

Today it's all about CHiPs!

A very thorough update today thanks to the contributions of collectors Craig MacKillop and Mark Schmidt, we have an exhaustive amount of Canadian packaged goodies from the Mego CHiPs line including the very rare "2+2" pack shown above. Enjoy!

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