Friday, January 15, 2010

Great Webs! Crime Doesn't Pay!

A fun update today at the Mego Museum Super Softie Gallery, today we take a look at Spider-Man with new pictures including (finally!) shots of the 19" Spider-Man figure boxed.

All that plus you can click to hear Spider-Man talk, click the link to hear cuddly Peter Parker..

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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Canadian Comic Action Heroes Spider-Car

Really neat foreign variation today, courtesy of Mark Schmidt, it's the Canadian Version of the Mego Comic Action heroes Spider-Car which is drastically different than it's US counterpart seen below:

For more on these figures, please visit the Mego Museum Comic Action Heroes Gallery:

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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

L'uomo Ragno!

Our buddy Olmo sent in this cool pic from the 1978 Harbert Catalog, where the sole Mego figure for sale was none other than everyone's favourite web head. These Harbert cards do crop up periodically but are not easy to find.

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Monday, February 25, 2008

Mego's Outlook for 1980

mego in 1980

A new entry to the Mego Museum Library today is this 1980 Toy Fair preview of some of Mego's new products. Sadly, many of them including cool Micronaut alien vehicles such as Iguanos and remote controlled VINCent from the Black Hole were never released.

The rest of the week on the Mego Museum will be devoted to Mego at the 1980 toy fair, stay tuned for updates.

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Friday, June 15, 2007

Hulk and Spider-Man Commercial

From 70's toy Explosion comes this newly tranferred 1979 Hulk and Spiderman with Fly Away Action Commercial. Look for more commercials soon.

I forgot to mention these fabulous Doctor Who Customs when they first arrived on the scene but they are worth a look, plans are in the works apparently for the 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th Doctors as well!

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