A new addition to our growing department store catalog archive is this Sears 1980 Catalog Page featuring the return of the 8" Star Trek line. Even though Mego had stopped producing the figures in 1977, they made a return to Sears by the late seventies on what many call the "Blank Back Cards" (check the Museum Star Trek pages for more info).
You'll also notice a weird playset on this page, it's actually a recording studio playset for 12" Fashion dolls that has been all "spaced up" so to speak and is not a Mego product.
Speaking of Star Trek returning, our own Roberto (Aka Blue Meanie) has shared some terrific photos of the EMCE toys Star Trek display at this past weekend's New Yory City Comic Con, click here to see more.
Roberto also reports on the Cast-A-Way Captain Action display at last weekend's Comic Con and was very impressed, check out his thoughts on Captain Action, Doctor Evil and the Phantom here.
Labels: 1980, Captain Action, castaway, Catalogs, EMCE, Mego, mego corp, Sears, star trek