Monday, September 14, 2009

America's Favorite T.V and Comic Hero

batman mego This page is from the 1977 for "Johnny's Toys" a KY/OH based chain of toystores and features a tribute to the Batman (and some marvel characters snuck in there for good measure), interesting that they're still using RC Batman years after he was discontinued, must have confused a pile of kids. Click on the image for a larger view.

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Friday, July 10, 2009

1973s Greatest Stars: The World's Greatest Superheroes

mego mad monsters Again thanks to Steve F., we've got a much bigger scan of the 1974 Mego World's Greatest Superheroes Catalog page, click on it to see a larger view.

I want to go to there...

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Thursday, July 09, 2009

The American West Series

mego mad monsters Thanks to the generosity of Steve F., we also have a much bigger scan of the 1974 Mego American West Catalog page, click on it to see a larger view.

That includes a much nicer view of the Dodge City Playset, sigh....

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Wednesday, July 08, 2009

The Mad Monsters Series

mego mad monsters Thanks to the generosity of Steve F., we have a much bigger scan of the 1974 Mego Mad Monsters Catalog page, click on it to see a larger view.

I'd also love to know what the heck this is supposed to be....

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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Broadway Joe Namath and his Mod About Town Wardrobe

Chris Johnson submitted this awesome 1971 Wards spread for Joe Namath and his super funky wardrobe. You can check it out at the Department Store Catalog Archive. Watch for a Joe Namath section coming soon to the Mego Museum.

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Friday, October 31, 2008

The Mego Superheroes start small

1973 Mego Superheroes catalog spread

It's hard to believe this but the World's Greatest Superhero Line had a very humble start in the 1973 Sears Catalog, they were regulated to the "Bargain Page" of toys under $2.00, you'd miss them if you weren't careful.

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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Black or White, He's Dynamite!

1973 Action Jackson catalog spread

Well technically, he's not Dynamite, he's Mego's original 8 inch adventurer Action Jackson. The 1973 JC Penney Catalog doesn't have any Superhero content but it does have this swell offering AJ's world.

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Thursday, July 10, 2008

Don't be scared, he's really a good guy

Wonderful catalog spread today just added to the Mego Museum Department Store Gallery, it's from the 1979 Spiegel catalog which like everybody else is all about TV's biggest star at the time, the Hulk.

The Mobile Batlab is a unique choice for this page, you didn't see it much in late seventies catalog.

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Friday, May 23, 2008

The Mego Corp 1960 Catalog

the 1960 Mego Corp Catalog

A new entry into the Mego Library today, this time it's something rarely seen or talked about. Before they were the World's Greatest Toy Company Mego was an efficient company that sold modestly priced toys in something called "The Basement Department".

For a small company, they could provide an entire toy department with what needed and it's an interesting and terrific piece of Mego history.

Check out the 1960 Mego Toys Catalog

Browse the Other Mego Catalogs in the Library.

Then join us in the Mego Museum Forum, the largest and friendliest forum of it's kind on teh interweb.

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Monday, April 21, 2008

Mego Star Trek Returns Twice Plus Captain Action News

mego star trek
weird star trek playset A new addition to our growing department store catalog archive is this Sears 1980 Catalog Page featuring the return of the 8" Star Trek line. Even though Mego had stopped producing the figures in 1977, they made a return to Sears by the late seventies on what many call the "Blank Back Cards" (check the Museum Star Trek pages for more info).

You'll also notice a weird playset on this page, it's actually a recording studio playset for 12" Fashion dolls that has been all "spaced up" so to speak and is not a Mego product.

Speaking of Star Trek returning, our own Roberto (Aka Blue Meanie) has shared some terrific photos of the EMCE toys Star Trek display at this past weekend's New Yory City Comic Con, click here to see more.

Roberto also reports on the Cast-A-Way Captain Action display at last weekend's Comic Con and was very impressed, check out his thoughts on Captain Action, Doctor Evil and the Phantom here.

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Friday, April 18, 2008

Quick Mego Superfriends to the Hulk Hideaway!

mego superheroes
A new addition to our growing department store catalog archive is this neat spread from the 1980 Sears Wishbook depicting the Heroes hiding out in the Tara ToysHulk Hideaway playset.

I love the Hulk transformation chamber in this piece so I've added a better look, you even get a cardboard Bruce Banner.

You'll also notice the Empire Toys Hulk Helicopter in the top left and the rest of the merchandise on the page is related to the Mean, Green one himself, due to his "Incredible" popularity on the small screen at the time.

Speaking of Mego Superheroes, be sure to check out Benjamin's World's Greatest Toys blog where he has been obsessing over vintage price stickers and department store catalogs, an awesome combination!

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Friday, April 04, 2008

The World of the Micronauts!

mego superheroes in the 1979 wards catalog

Another beautiful addition to the Mego Museum Department Store Catalog Archive . The 1979 Mongomery Wards Catalog had an impressive selection of Mego Micronauts including the Rocket Tubes playset.

Buy and Trade Mego Micronauts at the Mego Museum Forums, click here

We've expanded the Mego Custom Universe at our forum, now will three individual Custom Forums to serve you better, check out the expanded Custom universe at Custom Mego.

Only two months left for Megomeet, the world's only Mego Convention. Check out the official site for more information.

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Tuesday, April 01, 2008

The Mego Superheroes Still Strong in 1979 Wards

mego superheroes in the 1979 wards catalog

To start a new month off right why not showcase a beautiful page such as this in the Mego Museum Department Store Catalog Archive . The 1979 Mongomery Wards Catalog had an impressive selection of Mego Superheroes including the Elastic Heroes and the larger then life play set The Wayne Foundation.

Buy and Trade Mego Superheroes at the Mego Museum Forums, click here

Speaking of Superheroes, check out this killer Mr.Fantastic figure, it's this week's custom spotlight. Check out all the cool goodies at Custom Mego.

Only two months left for Megomeet, the world's only Mego Convention. Check out the official site for more information.

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Thursday, March 20, 2008

Mego Action Figures In Full Force in 1976 Sears Catalog

mego superheroes and star trek

This interesting catalog spread from the 1976 Sears (Canada) Catalog prominently features the Mego World's Greatest Superheroes being sold with their "official outfits" (which are of course, closed out Action Jackson uniforms. Star Trek was still riding high while Planet of the Apes were going into deep discount, they would appear in Sears Canada catalogs until 1978, note the exclusive Horse, Wagon and Catapult set pictured.

For More Retro Christmas Catalogs check out the Mego Museum Catalog Archive

Discuss your favourite Mego figures or do some buying and selling at the Mego Forum.

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Thursday, January 24, 2008

Biddy! Biddy! Biddy!

79 buck rogers

Another addition to the growing Mego Department Store Catalog Archive this time focusing on their Buck Rogers Selection . Some 3 3/4" goodness for a Thursday morning.

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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Ward's dwindling Mego Selection in 1980

mego superheroes, elastic heroes and micronauts

Another addition to the rapidly expanding Mego Department Store Catalog Archive this time focusing on the sad one page Mego content in the 1980's Wards Catalog. World's Greatest Superheroes Micronauts and the Elastic Heroes all smushed together....

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Monday, January 21, 2008

1979 JC Penney's Superhero offerings: regular and elastic

Another addition to the rapidly expanding Mego Department Store Catalog Archive this time focusing on Superheroes both 8" or the Elastic kind, it's your choice!

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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

1978 Christmas Catalog

Today's addition to the department store catalog archive is from another Canadian department store chain, Eaton's and it sports 12" Superman and the ever popular Mego Micronauts.

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Thursday, December 06, 2007

1975 Simpsons Catalog featuring Trek and Apes

Great addition to the department store catalog archive for the holiday season, The is rare page from long gone Canadian retailer Simpsons features Mego Star Trek and Planet of the Apes but nothing from their most popular line World's Greatest Superheroes. Interesting to note that chair pictured is the same one that Scott Adams noted in his article about the evolution of the Mego Enterprise.

Want to see the other side of this two page spread? Check out the Plaidstallions blog.

PS Congrats to Johnnycmego, winner of a copy of "World's Greatest Toys", look for another fun contest this month.

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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Recreate the exciting world of the Planet of the Apes!

mego apes in the JC Penney catalog

A cool catalog page courtesy of the 1974 JC Penney and Mego Planet of the Apes!.

mego 1978

The concepts are starting to come in for the Megomuseum 1978 Re:Imagine Project. Come check out what folks think Mego should have done or get involved with your own ideas.

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Monday, November 19, 2007

Mego Museum Announces the 1978 Re: Imagine Project

Presenting 1978 Re: Imagine, the latest endeavour from the Mego

the 1978 Mego catalog you create

The Mego Museum is turning back the clock to 1978 and asking YOU to join the Research and Development department. Show us what lines you'd make. Would it be a new series of World's Greatest Superheroes or would Planet of the Apes make a comeback? A fourth wave for Star Trek or a new line from the 1978 TV season? Did Mego grab the Star Wars license just in time? What changes were in store for the Micronauts?

The goal: To create a 16 page color catalog which illustrates our
collective fantasies of what Mego might have been in 1978 and to
showcase the creative ingenuity of the Mego Community through:

•Custom action figure projects (New or previously created--We want
to showcase the best, most Mego-like customs)

•Original package design

•Concept art (illustration, graphic design, computer generated imagery)

It's all your call: Team up and collaborate. Design, create, present ideas in the 1978 Forum. Every one can be a part of 1978.

Guidelines will be posted on the Mego Museum Forum this week and the winners will be selected this February 20th (just in time for Toy Fair) by a team that will include former Mego employees. The contest will be adminstrated by Dave McCormick and Brian Heiler. Selected submissions will be photographed by World's Greatest Toys Author Benjamin Holcomb and Mego Museum artist Scott Adams and put into a Mego style product catalog, the first publication from, which will be sold Summer 2008. Proceeds to fund future Mego Museum projects.

This is your chance to create the toys we've all wanted Mego to make and get them approved by the Mego creative staff themselves!

Reimagine 1978 with the Mego Museum!

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Friday, November 09, 2007

Mego Black Hole in a Captain Company Ad

Mego black hole from 1980

This great black and white ad featuring the Mego Mego Black Hole line is courtesy of Rob Kelly and was in an issue of Creepy. If you're into Black and White Comic Magazines, check out the terrific blog All in black and white for 75 cents

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Friday, August 10, 2007

!978 Means Micronauts!

mego superheroes in the aldens catalog

No trip into 1978 can be without a visit to the The Interchangable world of the Micronauts!.

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Thursday, August 09, 2007

Holy Stretch Monster Batman!

mego superheroes in the aldens catalog

Our trip into 1978 continues with this Awesome 1978 Aldens Catalog page now up in the Megomuseum Library.

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Wednesday, August 08, 2007

1978 was all about Superheroes

mego superheroes in the aldens catalog

And not just Mego Superheroes as evidenced by this 1978 Aldens Catalog page now up in the Megomuseum Library.

mego superheroes in the aldens catalog

Black Kryptonite whipped up this awesome Moon Knight as a Get Well Soon for Forum Pal Merlyn, how cool is that?

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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Beam Me Down to the Batcave Scottie!

Another page from the 1975 Sears Catalog, this time it's a combination of two of the most popular Mego lines, Superheroes and Star Trek.

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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Damn Dirty Apes Page

Even more catalog pages added to the Department store gallery, this is the Planet of the apes section from the 1975 Sears Catalog. If you don't already own a fortress, I highly recommend it's purchase, it's quite splendid.

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Thursday, June 28, 2007

Eagle Force Catalog Page

New Addition to the Department Store Catalog Archive, this time it's the 1982 Consumers Distributing Eagle Force page. More Catalogs coming soon!

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Thursday, June 07, 2007

Rare Canadian Micronauts Spread

mego micronauts in the 1979 eatons flier
Terrific and personal addition to the department of catalogs today, it's a rare page from the 1979 Eaton's Toy Flier. Showcasing the Mego Micronauts, seeing as Eatons is the place I got most of my micronauts, you can figure out why it's so personal. Look for the rest of the flier on Plaidstallions.

Customs Spotlight this week goes to all the folks who donated for the Megomeet auction, what a fantastic success it was and we want to thank everyone for their generosity.

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Friday, May 18, 2007

I'll take ten!

New to the Department store gallery is this amazing deal on Mego Superheroes nobody in their right mind would pass on today. Removable Cowl Batman, Superman and Removable Mask Robin for under six bucks? I wish, this very rare Aldens catalog is likely the first appearance of the WGSH.

Discuss this at the new Mego Forum.

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Monday, May 07, 2007


Taking a trip right back to the early days with this cool 73 Aldens page featuring Dinah-Mite and Lainie, two of Mego's earlier girl's toy offerings.

Anthony unveiled his take on the Legion of Superheroes Wildfire, this week, love the little touchs on the box.

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