Thursday, November 05, 2009

Hasbro Announces Relaunch of The Micronauts

Hasbro announced today a plan to bring back the classic "Micronauts" toyline with the cooperation of it's original creator Takara Toys.

Micronauts was first launched in 1977 by Mego Corporation and was a worldwide success.
It is not know if this will feature new characters or classics such as Baron Karza but with Hasbro also currently holding the rights to Marvel Comics, it may be possible that figures of Commander Raan, Bug and Marionette are in our future....

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Monday, December 29, 2008

Here they are the Micronauts!

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Thursday, October 02, 2008

Mego of the Day: Lobstros

Mego of the Day is the big, bad Micronaut Alien vehicle LOBSTROS, quite a menacing sight to any hapless time traveller....

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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Mego of the Day: Baron Karza

Our second entry into the Museum Forums Mego of the Day series is the deadly Baron Karza, foe to Force Commander from the Micronauts line.

Did you have it as a kid? See it? Know of it? Is it in your collection now? On your want list? Do we need pictures of it's packaging in the Museum? Have you ever used it in a custom? Have you customized the character? Why wouldn't this make into your collection? Did you make funny caption pictures with it? Post pics, tell stories, say whatever, it's mego of the day.

Tomorrow's MOTD: Type 1 Kirk

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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Enter a Galaxy of Adventure with Mego Micronauts

mego star trek
weird star trek playset I'm loving this addition to the department store catalog archive today because it's a nice shot of the Mego Micronauts. It's a wonderfully dynamic shot of the rocket tubes playset.

Also neat is what appears to be an early Hornetroid prototype, which has a missile launcher in the front. For more on the developement of the Hornetroid check out this article by Ray Miller.

Early Birds aren't just for Seniors dept.

Cast Away Toys is offering an Early Bird Special on their upcoming Captaion Action and Doctor Evil figures, you not only get to be the first kid on your block with them but they'll be all variant and stuff. Read more here....

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Friday, April 04, 2008

The World of the Micronauts!

mego superheroes in the 1979 wards catalog

Another beautiful addition to the Mego Museum Department Store Catalog Archive . The 1979 Mongomery Wards Catalog had an impressive selection of Mego Micronauts including the Rocket Tubes playset.

Buy and Trade Mego Micronauts at the Mego Museum Forums, click here

We've expanded the Mego Custom Universe at our forum, now will three individual Custom Forums to serve you better, check out the expanded Custom universe at Custom Mego.

Only two months left for Megomeet, the world's only Mego Convention. Check out the official site for more information.

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Thursday, February 28, 2008

Mego's Big Ideas for 1980

mego 1980 fashion candy merchandising click for a larger view

This new addition to the Mego Ad Archive is a 1980 advertisement for the 1980 Mego Line Up the piece features examples from many toy companies including fashion Candy, Micronauts, Black Hole and the Elastic Superheroes.

mego elastic heroes and black hole click for a larger view

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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Micronauts Prototype Hornetroid

Today's entry into prototype week is a submission by Ray Miller, who did some digging an uncovered the evolution of the killer Micronauts vehicle The Hornetroid. It's an interesting look at how many changes can be made to a toy before it gets to the store.

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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Ward's dwindling Mego Selection in 1980

mego superheroes, elastic heroes and micronauts

Another addition to the rapidly expanding Mego Department Store Catalog Archive this time focusing on the sad one page Mego content in the 1980's Wards Catalog. World's Greatest Superheroes Micronauts and the Elastic Heroes all smushed together....

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Friday, December 21, 2007

The MegoMuseum Interview with Tory Mucaro : Mego R & D

"I'll never forget the day they came to me with the Torino from Starsky and Hutch and asked me if I could make it look like the General Lee!"

Tory Mucaro has one of the more unqiue stories when it comes to his tenure at Mego, hired by John McNett while still in high school, he learned his trade at the Mego research and development department.

Tory was kind enough to share with us some of his recollections about those happy times and by doing so revealed many things not known about Mego. He has also graciously provided photographs of his many projects for us to enjoy. Check out the Megomuseum interview with Tory Mucaro, it's sure to be one your favourites.

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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

1978 Christmas Catalog

Today's addition to the department store catalog archive is from another Canadian department store chain, Eaton's and it sports 12" Superman and the ever popular Mego Micronauts.

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Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Rare Magnetic Batman Piece

New to the Museum today is this ultra rare production sample of a Magna Heroes Batman, we came close to getting these in North America but for some reason it didn't happen.

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Friday, August 10, 2007

!978 Means Micronauts!

mego superheroes in the aldens catalog

No trip into 1978 can be without a visit to the The Interchangable world of the Micronauts!.

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Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Cool Mego Comic Book Ads

Mego Superheroes ad from heroes world
Fun stuff today including this late seventies Superhero piece that uses a little artistic license with the Superheroes.

Micronaut Aliens Ad

Let's not forget this killer ad from Mego itself, announcing the arrival of the Micronaut aliens. I remember it well.

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Thursday, June 07, 2007

Rare Canadian Micronauts Spread

mego micronauts in the 1979 eatons flier
Terrific and personal addition to the department of catalogs today, it's a rare page from the 1979 Eaton's Toy Flier. Showcasing the Mego Micronauts, seeing as Eatons is the place I got most of my micronauts, you can figure out why it's so personal. Look for the rest of the flier on Plaidstallions.

Customs Spotlight this week goes to all the folks who donated for the Megomeet auction, what a fantastic success it was and we want to thank everyone for their generosity.

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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Spiderman and Acroyear Hit the Mall

Awesome Stuff today! Thanks to Mego forum member Doug, we have amazing shots of a 1977 store appearance at a New York Korvette's store to promote Mego product. Click here to see Spiderman and Acroyear and maybe a few displays of vintage Mego Goodness as well.

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