The Zombie Army was fashioned from various original Mego, custom, and off-the-shelf CTVT pieces. The bodies are all CTVT colored bodies that have been restrung. From left to right, the heads are a CTVT Frankenstein, A Make-it-yourself resin head, a Doc Mego recast of the Aurora Phantom, A Cory Wood Zombie, a recast of a Bravestarr baddie, and finally a Sideshow Hunchback. All were painted to match their respective bodies, and Nigel the yellow zombie is even done in glow-in-the-dark paint. The clothes are junk box items that just go to show you should never pitch anything.
Black Adam
Black Adam is a pretty basic custom. A Klingon head was carefully reworked to remove the beard and modify the hairline. The belt and emblem are vinyl, the suit and boots Doc Mego, and the cuffs hand made.
The Fly
The Fly sports a Cast-a-way recast of the Tomland Fly head, a CTVT suit, Mego shoes, and a custom blue shirt/red tie combo.
Green Lantern
Green Lantern uses a resin cast of a reworked, shrunk DC 9" head. The suit is a DC 9" suit grafted on to a Doc Mego jumper with Doc Mego China gloves. The outfit is completed with a pair of Cast-a-way boots.
Mr. Freeze
Mr. Freeze is actually a 12" plus scale figure I did to go with the larger Mego figures. The head is a Hasbro piece, belt a 10" Toy Biz Wolverine repaint, and the rest are odds and ends painted and dyed to complete the look.
The Hunchback
The Hunchback is a recast of the Lincoln head, painted by DaveMc, and mounted to a Mego body. The suit is an original Friar Tuck, and the "footies" are from trashed POTA pants.
Generic Knight
Back in the days before CTVT, knight parts were much more scarce. The knight is simply a Klingon with some hand-made duds and some parts box weapons combined with a pair of Doc Mego boots.
Spidergirl is also a 12" scale figure. A Toy Biz head and suit adorn a 12" Barbie Gymnast with Mego hands and feet grafted on. A pair of Doc Mego boots keep her feet warm.
Phantom uses a resin cast of a DC 9" head reworked by Cory Wood. The purple suit is a modified original King Arthur suit with Doc Mego shorts and ink stripes. The belt is a custom piece with a reworked Cory Wood buckle. Guns are parts box specials.
John Stewart- Green Lantern
John Stewart is a 9" scale custom made with a Real Heroes head, Doc Mego suit, and laser emblem.
Speedy is scaled to stand with 12" figures. He's a repainted Green Arrow with clothes sewn by me.
Hal Jordan Spectre
The Hal Jordan era Spectre is a Doc Mego white body with a resin cast head. Head was taken from a 9" DC figure, shrunk, and the features narrowed to make the figure a little more gaunt. A kitbash of Doc Mego clothes completes the figure.
Riddler Car
The Riddler car is a repaint of the Harry Potter car inspired by the Batlab. Capture assembly is modified from a dollar store ping pong ball game.
The Musketeer
Martian Manhuner
Martian Manhunter is a shrunken DC head and a kitbash of Doc Mego and modified DC 9" parts.
The Knights
The knights feature outfits sewn by me and include shields made from detergent bottles. They sit atop repainted Thade horses from the dreadful POTA remake.
Jemm, Son of Saturn
Jemm, Son of Saturn is a repainted, shrunk DC 9" figure with a kitbash of Doc Mego parts rounding out the outfit.
Wolverine features a head from the 10" Toy Biz line, a modified FC outfit, and Doc Mego boots.
Green Lantern
GL is a 12" figure designed to go with the 12" line from Hasbro a few years ago. Outfit is a modified 9" Hasbro suit and head is from a WB vinyl figure.
Superman is a 9" scale figure designed to go with DC's 9" line. I thought their Supes stunk with its out of scale head, so I pieced this one together using an Aquaman head and Doc Mego parts.
Bucky is designed to go with the large Mego Cap. In hindsight, he's too small, but back in the day 9" Mego bodies were very hard to get and I didn't have the heart to part out a good one for a custom. Suit is sewn by me; the rest is modified DC 9" parts.
Batgirl is a 12" scale figure. She features a modified gymnast Barbie body, Mego hands and boots, and a dyed Storm jumper. Cape by me; cowl is 12" Mego Batman.
Black Cat
Black Cat is a 9" scale figure. Head is a repainted FC Storm, jumpsuit is a modified Doc Mego.
POTA General
POTA General is one of my first attempts. A little black vinyl paint and black dye go a long way. At least I thought it was pretty radical a few years ago:-) Gotta start somewhere.
Trojan Skeleton
Trojan Skeleton is a CTVT skeleton crammed into a dollar store set vinyl clothes. .
Challengers of the Unknown
The Challengers of the Unknown are a group of repainted Mego and knock-off heads with an ensemble of slightly modified Doc Mego parts.
Hobgoblin is a recast of the Toy Biz Projectors head, CTVT boots and hands, and clothes sewn by me. Belt by Bratz.
Lone Ranger Gang
The Lone Ranger line is one giant kitbash of Mego, Doc Mego, and CTVT parts with a little modified AHI thrown in for good measure.
The three monsters consist of the following: Frank - Sideshow head/hands and mishmash of dyed clothes. Wolfman - Repainted B&W Sideshow head & hands, Harry Potter feet, modified Bratz shirt & belt, modified Kenner pants. Hunchback - Christopher Rivers(Nunnaly) recast of Lincoln head painted by the legendary Dave MC, Friar Tuck clothes, CHiPs socks.
The Spirit is a simple Doc Mego suit and head from the figure from a few years ago.