What's New in the Mego Museum? Absolutely Everything! THanks to an incredible relaunch by Scott C Adams and crew! Look for To view updates, click the icon left of the entry and enjoy, then tell your friends. MARCH 2006
![]() Effective April First, please check the The Mego Blog for all relevant Mego Museum news.
October 2005
September 2005
August 2005
July 2005
June 2005
May 2005
April 2005
March 2005 was Military Month!
February 2005 was Star Trek month!
December 2004 December is Superheroes Month! Daily updates as every Superhero Gallery gets an addition, watch for prototypes and much more!
November 2004
Nov 27 2004: Another Museum First The original AJ Colorforms artwork! very cool, see the details at Action Jackson Colorforms
Nov 23 2004: Rare Variant Scramble Cycle outfit The rarely seen variant outfit can only be seen at the AJ Scramble Cycle outfit page
Nov 22 2004: Mego Mini Catalog Gallery! Another great new gallery to the web's best Mego site see it at Mego Mini Catalog Gallery
Nov 21 2004: Rare Blue AJ helmet The rarely seen blue white AJ helmet can only be seen at the AJ airforce outfit page
Nov 20 2004: Mego Meet 2005 Website Launches! The great new Mego convention with you the collector in mind! Get all the details at Mego Meet 2005
Nov 17 2004: Catwoman Box Origins Mike was kind enough to source the origins of the Mego Catwoman box, it's all in the Mego Comic Book Connection
Nov 16 2004: Mego Action Jackson Action Set! Mego's Action Jackson month continues with some pics of this unique JC Penny's Mailer Set
Nov 15 2004: The Mego Comic Book Connection! This proud new gallery attempts to trace the origins of the Mego Packaging. Which Comic did the Mego Robin come from? You know you wanna know.... Mego Comic Book Connection
Nov 14 2004: More Press about the Kruger St Display! Retro Figures make a comeback
Nov 13 2004: Custom Mego is Back! After what seems like years (probably because it was) the CustoMego section of the Mego Museum has finally been updated and totally revamped! The section has someone new at the helm - Ed "jimbutsu" Weinstein, who has done a super job of getting everything up to speed! Custom Mego
Nov 12 2004: The Batman Art Gallery Launches! The New Art Gallery based on the Mego Batman packaging art is now open, expect more hero galleries to follow but for now enjoy Batman Mego Art Retrospective
Nov 11 2004: Mego Display at the Kruger St Toy and Train Museum! The article is now up about the Kruger st display! The Museum is the site for the next Mego Convention this June so check it out and visit the Museum for updates on "Mego Meet 2005" at The Real Mego Museums section
Nov 10 2004: Action Jackson Safari Jeep! Mego's Action Jackson month continues with some pics of his rare boxed Mego Safari Jeep Page!
Nov 9 2004: Batlab Box Pictures The Groovy Batman VW bus shows off its AWESOME packaging here: The Mego Mobile Bat Lab Page!.
Nov 7 2004: The New Gallery! Mego Toy Room Central is devoted to the displays we put in our home of our Mego figures, be them MIB, MOC, customs, loose or just a bunch of clownarounds, they're welcome here Mego Toy Room Central.
Nov 5 2004: CHiPs Updates!More packaging shots of Jon and Ponch are up at The Mego chips Gallery!
Nov 4 2004: Knights Jousting Horse!One of the rarest Mego items ever is at the The Mego Legends Gallery!
Nov 3 2004: Larami Martian Chronicles FiguresMego like figures based on Ray Bradbury's best seller are now up for viewing at The Mego_Esque Gallery!.
Nov 1 2004: It's Action Jackson Month Mego's first 8" hero finally gets some recognition with a month devoted to AJ in all his various forms beginning with an indepth look at Mego Action Jackson Lost Continent Playset!.
October 2004
Oct 31 2004: The New Gallery! The Mego Esque gallery is now open, dedicated to those figures that while 8" tall are not produced by Mego. This includes Lincoln Monsters, AHI Action Apemen, Larami Martion Chronicles, LJN SWAT, AHI Monsters, Tomlands Star Raiders and so much more. Check for weekly updates at The Mego Esque Gallery.
Oct 30 2004: General Ursus Not to be outdone gets a revamp in hisMego General Ursus Page.
Oct 29 2004: General Urko gets the Superstar Mego makeover treatment at his Mego General Urko Page.
Oct 27 2004: Pilot or Astronaut Decide for yourself at the Mego Mystery Astronaut Page.
Oct 26 2004: UK Carded Astronaut The very rare Mego POTA variant now at The Mego Astronauts Page.
Oct 24 2004: Lion Rock Western Heroes The always tough to find Lion Rock Cards at Mego American West Gallery.
Oct 22 2004: Boxed CAH Spidercar One of the rarest toys to be featured on the museum is now on the Comic Action Heroes Vehicles Page.
Oct 21 2004: More Heroes World Scans! More cool Kubert School of art pages at The Superhero Shop!.
Oct 20 2004: NEWS FLASH!!! Tomarts Magazine has begun their new History of Mego by Martin Abrams this is a mutli part series and should be interesting reading for every Mego Head, it all begins with issue #127 available now. Order one from Tomart Direct.
Oct 19 2004: Beam Me Up! The Elusive Palitoy Star Trek Transporter playset gets it's own Gallery Page.
Oct 18 2004: Chimps Rule!The many looks and variations of Mego Corneilius and Galen.
Oct 17 2004: Bat Coders Mego made working Batman and Robin Walkie Talkies and we got them in the Playset Section.
Oct 16 2004: I Smell a Human! Virdon, Burke and Talyor (ie Mego Astronaut) also get Ape Updates with a new look Astronauts page.
Oct 15 2004: Doctor Zira begins our weekend of Ape Updates with a new look Zira page.
Oct 14 2004: Mego Soldier Apes page gets a complete overhaul with over 10 new pics of variants and Packaging.
Oct 13 2004: More Apes! with a Palitoy Mego Carded Doctor Zauis.
Oct 12 2004: A Month of Ape Updates! begins with a Japanese Bullmark boxed Mego Doctor Zauis.
Oct 9 2004: The Mego Forum Is the perfect place to discuss or buy sell and trade Mego Action Figures
Oct 7 2004: 1980 Mego Order Form has been added,click to the Order Form Gallery
Oct 4 2004: Prototype Magnetic Old BOB is new veiwing at the Black Hole Section.
Oct 3 2004: ORDER FORM GALLERY has been started, some real Mego history starts with 1977
Oct 2 2004: Kiss Prototypes Some really odd ideas at the Kiss Page.
Oct 2 2004: Shazam gallery adds a carded variant we didn't haveShazam!
Oct 1 2004: Spidey Kresge Cards One we didn't have or know about added to theSpiderman Page
Oct 1 2004: American FF Cards More great WGSH stuff on the FF Page
September 2004
Sep 30 2004: Now with More 20% more Hulk!Cards added to the Hulk Page
Sep 27 2004: Hall of JusticeUpdated packaging pics for this great Playset
Sep 26 2004: Dare Brothers!Thanks to Chris Johnson they have their own Gallery
Sep 7 2004: Space:1999 Galleryadds more photos of packaging and figures!
Sep 1 2004: Western Heroes Gallery gets a complete Revamp!
Sep 1 2004: Hulk Smash! Packaging pics and info added to the 8" Hulk Page
Sep 1 2004: German Western Heroes Two Pack pics added to the American West
August 2004
Aug 31 2004: Exploding Bridge Four Pack Pics added to the CAH playset gallery
Aug 16 2004: An article on Mego's Licenses Courtesy John Bonavita into the Ad Archive
Aug 16 2004: Mego Advertising Article Courtesy John Bonavita in the Ad Archive
Aug 16 2004: Interview iwth Marty (part two) Courtesy John Bonavita into the Ad Archive
Aug 16 2004: Interview iwth Marty (part one) Courtesy John Bonavita in the Ad Archive
Aug 15 2004: Bad Mego news added to the Ad Archive
Aug 15 2004: What is MIRG? find out at Mike's Ad Archive
Aug 15 2004: 1980 Martin Abrams article added to the Ad Archive
Aug 15 2004: Stretch heroes Ad added to the Ad Archive
Aug 12 2004: Great Black Hole Press Release added to the Ad Archive
Aug 9 2004: Your Guide to Mego Cards added to the WGSH Card Guide
Aug 9 2004: Pocket Heroes Sectioncompleted revised with a playset and vehicle wing
Aug 9 2004: 1975 Mego Press Release added to the Ad Archive
Aug 9 2004: Micronauts Ad Schedule added to the Ad Archive
Aug 8 2004: Carded Alan Carter added to the Space:1999 Gallery
Aug 8 2004: 1975 Mego Press Release added to the Ad Aarchive
Aug 8 2004: Lion Rock Knock Off WW2 Gallery added to the WW2 Wing
Aug 7 2004: Micronauts Ad Budgets added to the archive
Aug 7 2004: Boxed Star Trek Phaser Game added to the Trek Gallery
Aug 7 2004: Boxed 12" Killer Kane added to the Buck Rogers Gallery
Aug 7 2004: Carded CHiPs Sarge added to the CHiPs Gallery
Aug 6 2004: Five Faced Klingon MOC added to the Trek Page
Aug 5 2004: Boxed Magnetic Hulk added to the Diecast Section
Aug 5 2004: Boxed Black Hole Laser Fighter added to the Black Hole Gallery
Aug 5 2004: The Guide to WGSH Cards added to the Mego Library
Aug 1 2004: Just about the coolest pic in the universe added to Mike's Ad Archive
July 2004
July 11th 2004: Boxed Pocket Heroes Spidercar added to the Pocket Hero Gallery
June 21 2004: Boxed Hydro Car added to the Pocket Heroes Gallery
June 21 2004: More CAH Playset pics added to the CAH Playset Gallery June 19 2004: More Denys Fisher Comic Action Hero Card variants have been added to the CAH Card Gallery June 15 2004: Prototype Playset pics added to the Pocket Hero Gallery June 14 2004: Mego Con CoverageJust back from the very successful Mego Con, see all the coverage at the Megocon2004 pages June 01 2004: New Forums added to the Mego Museum Forums, if you haven't joined you're missing half of it. May 18 2004: 12" Boxed Magnetic Batman added to the Batman 12" Gallery May 8 2004: Carded Riddler Bend N Flex at the Bend N Flex Card Gallery May 1 2004: Klingon Warship Pics have been added to the Star Trek TMP April 30 2004: Magnetic Superman pics have been added to the Diecast Gallery April 29 2004: Pocket Hero Card variants have been added to the Pocket Hero Card Gallery April 28 2004: 12" Boxed Magnetic Robin added to the Batman 12" Gallery April 24 2004: Mego Store Displays Gallery! A new feature starting with WGSH Boxes April 23 2004: 12" Hero Boxes added to the Marvel 12" Gallery April 22 2004: Carded Robin Bend N Flex at the Bend N Flex Card Gallery April 21 2004: More Comic Action Hero Card variants have been added to the CAH Card Gallery April 6 2004: Wards Action Jackson Page Added to the Christmas Past Gallery April 6 2004: 12" Heroes Added Pics of the Grand Toys 12" Movie Superman MIB April 5 2004: Happy Days Added pics of the Fonzie Garage Playset April 4 2004: Starsky and Hutch Card Variations added to their Galleries March 26 2004: More Updates Added foreign packaging to the American West Galleries Praise be to the Foot Highs !! Huge packaging updates to the 12" Heroes . March 25 2004: WGSH Updates Added rare Red Cards and Kresge cards to many Dc and Marvel Galleries Since everyone feels like FIGHTING I updated the Fist Fighting pages including some rare Australian packaging. March 22 2004: WGSH Updates The Month of March will end with some high grade rarities being added to the WGSH.DC Heroes such as Robin (who we never had a BOXED pic of!), Batman and others have been updated with new pics of foreign packaging. Marvel Heroes have recieved the same treatment, check out Cap and Spidey. March 15 2004 The Christmas Catalogue section is now up, relive Christmas past at Christmas Archive. Thank you Monkey Wards! March 08 2004 Starsky and Hutch It's trendy to update this because the series just went to DVD, added shots of the foreign cards and the car MIB S and H Gallery. Someday I'll own a real Ford Torino, someday.......Collapsing Tower/Invisible Plane playset pics up Comic Action Playsets section February 10 2004: Star Trek The Motion Picture has some updated with some great new shots of exclusive Canadian toys Star Trek the Motion Picture Buck Rogers Gallery has started construction, we need some pics though Buck Rogers . February 9 2004: The Mego Scarcity Index Project section has been created by Dan Crandall as a resource for collectors to see the relative rarity of a piece, how do your megos rate? Find out at the The Mego Scarcity project. February 9 2004: Mike's Ad Archive has some updated with some great articles about the history of Mego as told by Martin AbramsMikes Ad Archive. February 8 2004: Mego 1981 Catalog has been added thanks to Rob Chatlin full color shots of the debut of Eagle Force at the theMego Library. February 6 2004: Mego 1974 Catalog has been added thanks to Mike J full color shots of Mego 8" glory days with text by Neal Kublan Mego Library. February 4 2004: Mego 1977 Catalog is now available truly the year of Micronauts and Cher with more commentary by Neal KublanMego Library January 2004: Mego 1976 Catalog has been added to the Megolibrary come see rare prototypes and unreleased lines with an overview by Neal KublanMego Library. December 2003: It's Mike's ad archive! Providing you with unseen Mego trade advertising, most never before seen, go to Mikes Ad Archive and The Mego Knockoff Gallery debuts, featuring knockoff's of our favourite Mego Heroes. November 2003: New! Mysteries of the Unexplained gallery Chris Johnson provided great pics for the James Bond Moonraker Gallery. Hey Kids! Wanna watch rare Palitoy/Mego Fist Fighter commercials? No problem click Here and enjoy! October 4 2003: The Neal Kublan Interviews ends with part Seven The Knights Jousting Horse can now be seen for the first time ever, click Here. The Hero Car section is revamped with Spidey and Cap's Car getting their own pages, view it Here as well. October 1 2003: Awesome new discovery! 8" Japan only Ultraman Leo,(pronounced Lay-Oh)is something you'll want to add to your wantlist. Spiderman shows more of his card variations at the Spidey Page Variation Fortress of Solitude boxes now found at the Comic Action Playsets section August 28 2003: The Neal Kublan Interviews continue with Part Six and more updates to the Comic Action Hero Gallery. All the boxed Knights are now up at the Legends Gallery September 14 2003: Did Somebody say DALLAS?, no? Oh well, it's the newest gallery. Stunning new Italian Ad in the Italian Ad Gallery. See the UBER rare Blue Haired Frankie at the Monster Gallery August 28 2003: The Neal Kublan Interviews continue with Part Five and more updates to the Comic Action Hero Gallery. All the boxed Knights are now up at the Legends Gallery July 28 2003: The Neal Kublan Interviews continue with Part Three and Part four. Massive Updates to the carded Pocket Hero Gallery July 12 2003: The Neal Kublan Interviews begin Part One and Part two. There is now a Diecast Gallery as well. April 26 2003: The Month of Updates continues with the Super Softies Gallery Added come hear them talk! Also new is my good buddy CB McHaul. There is now a carded Bendy Gallery, shots of the elusive "Blue Jean" carded pocket heroes and a Palitoy Human Torch to just name a few new things. April 2003: New this month are the Black Hole and the much ignored Star Trek The Motion Picture. There are over 150 other updates done this month, take a tour of almost any gallery and be surprised! 1981 Mego Toyfair Catalogue in the Library. Batman, Superman, Aquaman and Spiderman pages get a facelift. March 2003: Italian Mego Catalogue. Check out the amazing Baravelli Catalogue in the Library. In the TV section you can check out the amazing Logans Run prototypes! October 2002: Updates to the Wonder Woman, Supergirl and Isis Pages (Yep it's ladies night) A collector was good enough to donate some great Kresge shots as well. Custom Mego will be updated twice annually. Look for a new Dr Who section this October.. August 2002: Mego Library Prototypes Section Updated. New packaging shots added to Falcon, Thor, Catwoman, Mr. Myx, Shazam, Wonder Woman. Check out the AJ and Dinah Mite Sections for tons of updates.. May 2002: Mego Library Updated. Expanded mego catalog material added including original sales artwork courtesy of Troy Manus. Also added the Prototype and Unproduced Wing to the Mego Library Check it Out! June 26 2001: ALTER-EGO pages updated. New close up views of the Secret Identity figures courtesy of Rob Chatlin, Dan Samilo, Brian Heiler and Phil. June 18 2001 After 5 terrific years at Raving Toy Maniac the Museum had to move on to a new home. We do not know what RTM's future will be now that the great Eric Myers has left that site, but it was clear we needed to move quickly to give the Mego Museum a safe home in the event RTM shut down. All Mego Museum fans join me in thanking Eric for giving the Museum a home for so long and giving us so much freedom and support along the way. Thanks, Eric! The good news is we finally have our own domain name like a real grown up site! The World's Greatest Super Hero Award this year goes to long-time online Mego booster Joe DeRouen! Joe stepped in and offered the Museum a home on his servers at Sparkynet. Joe went on to help with the technical detail of the domain transfer, as well as add new functionality the Museum has always needed. Turn to Joe for all of your web-hosting needs! Check out the NEW Mego Buzz Boards and Mego Marketplace. Users must now register to use the boards, and we hope this new policy encourages more civilized discussion about all things Mego. We would like these boards to become the positive community forums they were always meant to be. We also have a new SEARCH ENGINE! This is a site that definitly needs one! The other nice thing about having to move the Museum is it inspired Scott to work on art for the site again. Brian "Palitoy" Heiler will still be the curator of the site, doing his great job of bringing us rare finds and the benefit of his Mego knowledge and experience.. So check in with us now and then and keep believing in Megos.